UDC 635.62:631.563.9
Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
BULAKH Mariana,
Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. All the processes occurring in fruits and vegetables during storage are associated with respiration, the intensity of which depends on objective state of the fruits. Researches of respiration intensity of pumpkin fruits, suitable and promising to be spread in Polissia area and its changes during storage have not yet been conducted.
The aim of the research work is to study physiological properties of pumpkin fruit and the dynamics during its storage.
Material and methods. Research objects are pumpkin fruits of 3 kinds and 11 botanical varieties zoned in Ukraine and promising in Polissia area [5]. Respiration rate and emitted heat quantity of different sequence germs, changes of these indicators over time were defined. The researches were conducted during the storage at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days.
Results. The least intense respiration rate and heat emission among Cucurbita Moschata varieties during storage were defined in Rouge Vif D'etamp fruits, the most intense in Arabatskyi grade fruits. Less respiration intensity and heat emission among Cucurbita Maxima grades at the beginning of storage was defined in fruits of Slavuta and Khersonskyi varieties, among C. pepo L. grades in Lel’ variety fruits. Quantity of emitted CO2 and heat for the entire period of storage of all varieties pumpkin fruits of 1–2 germs were much lower than these indicators for each of the next in order of priority. These storage implies lower energy costs for aeration to remove the excess heat and CO2.
Conclusion. Physiological properties of pumpkin fruit during storage depend on ripeness, botanical variety, species, abiotic factors that determine the formation of the quality and potential to store, storage conditions.
Keywords: pumpkin fruits, germ, storage, physiological properties, respiration rate, abiotic factors, physical indicators, cooling, heat emission, carbon dioxide, ventilation.
Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
BULAKH Mariana,
Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. All the processes occurring in fruits and vegetables during storage are associated with respiration, the intensity of which depends on objective state of the fruits. Researches of respiration intensity of pumpkin fruits, suitable and promising to be spread in Polissia area and its changes during storage have not yet been conducted.
The aim of the research work is to study physiological properties of pumpkin fruit and the dynamics during its storage.
Material and methods. Research objects are pumpkin fruits of 3 kinds and 11 botanical varieties zoned in Ukraine and promising in Polissia area [5]. Respiration rate and emitted heat quantity of different sequence germs, changes of these indicators over time were defined. The researches were conducted during the storage at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days.
Results. The least intense respiration rate and heat emission among Cucurbita Moschata varieties during storage were defined in Rouge Vif D'etamp fruits, the most intense in Arabatskyi grade fruits. Less respiration intensity and heat emission among Cucurbita Maxima grades at the beginning of storage was defined in fruits of Slavuta and Khersonskyi varieties, among C. pepo L. grades in Lel’ variety fruits. Quantity of emitted CO2 and heat for the entire period of storage of all varieties pumpkin fruits of 1–2 germs were much lower than these indicators for each of the next in order of priority. These storage implies lower energy costs for aeration to remove the excess heat and CO2.
Conclusion. Physiological properties of pumpkin fruit during storage depend on ripeness, botanical variety, species, abiotic factors that determine the formation of the quality and potential to store, storage conditions.
Keywords: pumpkin fruits, germ, storage, physiological properties, respiration rate, abiotic factors, physical indicators, cooling, heat emission, carbon dioxide, ventilation.