Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Postgraduate of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Background. Nowadays approaches to the estimation of the nutrition diet are deprived of an objective, scientifically grounded criterion. Both domestic and foreign scientists have studied the generalizing criterion of the quality of poly component recipes of food stuff [1–4]. For the characteristics of the quality of the healthy nutrition production, the generalizing criterion of the healthy effect – the fit-factor – has been introduced.
The aim of the paper, taking into account meanings of a great number of factors that compose the fit-factor, is to substantiate the choice of plant raw material for creating poly component drinks of revitalizing and prophylactic purpose.
Material and methods. The object of the research is plant raw material common in Ukraine (apples, carrots, beets, chokeberry), fresh juice from it and wheat germ diluted with water (1:3) and undiluted juice and water after magnetic treatment.
The level of glycemic loading and the matter of positive influence of the investigated raw material has been determined by analytical method [8] and by information retrieval [7]. On the basis of the literature data [2] and experiments, carried out by us before [9; 10], the revitalizing characteristic of food products has been composed.
Redox potential has been measured by potentiometric method using normal hydrogen and platinum electrodes [11].
Results. Plenty of factors, which compose a generalized criterion of food products quality (fit-factor), have been investigated. On the example of some fruits, vegetables, berries and the products of their processing, causal and investigation relationship between the technological processes and the meanings of glyc-factor (table 1) has been determined. The revitalizing action of some ingredients of plant raw material on a person’s organism has been investigated (table 2). The possibility of provision of the full value of the diet concerning the content of minor compounds with the help of combining different kinds of raw material has been shown. It has been proved that using water processed in the electromagnetic field for preparing drinks contributes to the better penetration of the useful substances of the plant raw material into a person’s organism cells.
Conclusion. Water processed in the electromagnetic field has been offered to be used in production of drinks from fresh juice.
Fit-factor was the main criterion in choosing components to produce revitalizing and prophylactic drinks of high food and biological value.
Keywords: drinks, the criterion of quality, glycemic loading, sanitary characteristic, oxide-renewing potential, fit-factor.