Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
APACH Marina,
Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. Nowadays there is a major problem for the Ukrainian Black Sea Coast on the need for limitation of the amount of Rapana by increasing a volume of catching of shellfish. There is an active search and study of sources of complete protein because of the need to provide the population with ecological food. That’s why the research of biological value of Rapana protein is a crucial task and perspective object of business for Ukrainian Black Sea Coast.
The aim of the study is a research of chemical composition and biological value of Black Sea Rapana protein edible part in raw and boiled states, an effect of heat treating on changing shell-fish end-user performance.
Material and methods. The object of research is protein of Rapana venosa in raw and cooked states of autumn and summer catch (Yuzhny city, Odessa region). The chemical composition of the Rapana was studied byGOSТ 7636–85 [12].Amino acid content has been determined by ion exchange liquid-column with automatic amino acid analyzer chromatographyТ-339 ("Mictotechna", Czech Republic).
Results. As a result of the research of amino acid composition was revealed that Black Sea Rapana meat is characterized by the presence of all the essential amino acids including leucine and lysin. Quantitative and qualitative composition of amino acids of raw and cooked rapana meat was not significantly different that indicates stability of shell-fish protein during thermal conditioning. Coefficient of utility of amino acids and indexes of comparative superfluity of essential amino acids of Black Sea Rapana protein also confirms the high degree of absorption.
Conclusion. Experimental researches have determined high nutritive and biological value of Black Sea Rapana meat due to balanced amino acid composition. It indicates perspective business of catching it and using as biologically valuable raw material in food technology.
Keywords: Black Sea Rapana, biological value, amino acid score, coefficient of utility, food protein.