Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
CHEKHOVA Nataliya,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky
Background. Subject to the imbalance of essential nutrients in the food rations, the combination of vegetable and animal raw materials with different functional and technological properties becomes promising, enabling to obtain products with directed influence on functional activity of the organism. The use of the food combinatorics principles gave a possibility to get powdered semi-finished product made of champignons and pumpkin seeds (SPCPS) with optimized content of essential nutrients, certain functional and technological properties.
The aim of the article is optimal content determination of the developed semi-finished product, its mode of adding and its influence on the functional and technological properties of chopped meat masses.
Material and methods. Model systems with the addition of hydrated intermediate product in an amount of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 % by weight of raw meat without adding bread and water were studied. Control sample was beef cutlet mass (№ 353 Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products) [13]. Water-retaining capacity is defined as the difference between the moisture content in the product and the amount of moisture removed during heat treatment [10], fats-retaining capacity – similar with [10]. Emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability were identified by centrifugation [10], holding moisture ability – by pressing. Mathematical model by Professor NN Lipatov [11] was used to simulate the amino acid composition of proteins.
Results. Preliminary organoleptic research defined that it was expedient to add the semi-finished product into chopped meat masses in a hydrated form in quantity of 20–30 %. Under such conditions water-retaining and fats-retaining capacity of chopped meat masses acquires the maximum. For obtaining the system with optimal components correlation, the mathematical modeling was led and it was found that the optimal content of essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids is determined in chopped meat masses with the content of semi-finished product 20–21 %.
Conclusion. The researches determined that the addition of semi-finished product made of champignons and pumpkin seeds improved water-retaining and fats-retaining capacity of chopped meat masses. Mathematical modeling of meat model systems composition with SPCPS determined the optimal correlation (%) of minced meat and semi-finished product is 79–80 : 20–21, that is used in developing the recipes and making recommendations for using SPCPS in culinary products technologies.
Keywords: semi-finished product made of champignons and pumpkin seeds, chopped meat masses, functional and technological properties, modeling.