DEMCHENKO Valentina,
Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. Thermal power industry is the major "manufacturer" of bad emissions. That is why today products using ash from thermal power plants are widely used in the domestic industry as well as in foreign countries, which allows to reduce the consumption of cement, to improve the physical and mechanical properties of concrete, eliminate pollution of air and water basins and so on.
The aim of the study is to reflect the practical situation on the market of ash microspheres of Ukraine and research major trends of export and import of ash waste.
Material and methods. Objects of research are ash waste of power plants located on the territory of Ukraine, namely – the Prydnieprovska, Kryvyi Rih, Burshtynska and Kurakhovskaya power plant.
During the analysis of the market of ash microspheres information resources on the Internet, statistical data on their production, exports and imports were used.
Results. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for the past 4 years there are periodic fluctuations in the volumes of ash microspheres on Ukrainian coal burning power plants [1].
In the period from 2011 to 2015 at negative trend of both exports and imports, microspheres exports are still several times higher than imports. During the last four years we have seen a gradual decrease in the export of ash microspheres (in 2015 it is 3.5 times less than in 2012 in monetary terms), which can be explained by a sufficient number of power plants in Ukraine.
The main contracting countries importing ash microspheres in Ukraine are Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, India.
Significant amounts of ash waste are exported from Ukraine to the Netherlands, the Republic of Moldova, and Belarus, which is caused by small amounts of receiving ash micro-spheres and a high demand for them in these countries.
Conclusion. Aluminum silicate microspheres have been used in almost all sectors, including oil and gas, chemical, construction, etc. During 2015 export trend was recorded, and from 2012 – a decrease of imports of mineral micro spheres, which, in general, has a positive impact on the industry market of Ukraine.
The use of ash waste for commercial purposes has an environmental impact. Its recycling makes it possible to reduce the negative impact of existing ash dumps on the environment by reducing the volume of their storage.
Keywords: ash microspheres, ash waste, import, export, insulation materials, export and import operations, aluminum silicate microspheres, country contractor.