Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. Increased usage of materials based on plant polymers in particular cellulose in different industries requires to increase their resistance to the action of atmospheric and operation factors. One of the most effective solution to this problem is the use of thin silicone coatings of different classes.
The aim of the work is to evaluate the efficiency of the use of such coatings to protect the surface of the paper, taking into account characteristics of the composition and physic-chemical properties of silicates.
Material and methods. Research is based on cellulose paper which is protected with thin siloxanes of different structure. The study of water-repellent mechanical properties in the course of action of the temperature change was carried out using the relevant technical standards.
Results. Quantitative assessment of the level of hydrophobicity and surface and mechanical capacity of paper with silicone coating under the influence of temperature changes was done. The most effective compounds were defined. Principle possibility of increasing the thermal stability of cellulose-paper by modifying the siloxanes was shown.
Conclusion. The study shows the results of the comparative effectiveness of the use of silicone compounds of different composition, the structure's reaction ability to protect the EH-70 paper based on unbleached pulp by the level of changes of the surface hydrophobicity and mechanical power during the action of different temperatures, their cyclic changes, dew and frost. Siloxanes efficiency was demonstrated with reactive groups of the composition (Si-OH, Si-H, Si-OR etc.).
Keywords: paper, cellulose, silicone compositions and coatings, siloxanes, hydrophobicity, mechanical strength.