UDC 658.7(477)
LYSA Svitlana,
PhD in Economics, associate Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. The development of market relations and the integration movement of Ukraine require the formation of new approaches to regulating the activity of trade enterprises. Simultaneously with the development of domestic retail trade there is an increasing role of the tangible industry – logistics. Although the Ukrainian logistics market is under development and its pace is moving slowly in comparison with other countries, it is still potentially competitive.
The logistics of the enterprise was investigated by many economists, but the analysis of literature shows that in these works insufficient attention is paid to modern trends in the development of the logistics of a trading enterprise.
The aim of the study is to determine the main trends of logistics development in Ukraine taking into account the peculiarities of business globalization; creation of segmentation of the market of logistics services with an estimation of attractiveness and prospects.
Material and methods. The information base for the study is statistical data presented in the publications of practitioners and experts in the logistics market. Methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization became the basis of the research of the logistics market in Ukraine and the prospects for its development.
Results. At the present stage, there are all prerequisites for introducing changes in various logistics processes. The market of logistic services and the list of logistic operators, which provide logistics outsourcing services, in particular the Internet commerce industry, are analyzed. Factors influencing the effectiveness of logistics activities of the enterprise and approaches to its evaluation were classified. Structural characteristics of the domestic market of logistic services are grouped.
Conclusion. Ukraine has significant prospects for the development of the logistics market, but special attention must be paid to ensuring the simplification of supply arrangements at competitive prices and the transparency of customs services, and the improvement of the quality of infrastructure related to trade and transport. Increasing the efficiency of the logistics market will lead to the emergence of competent providers of integrated logistics services, which will have a positive impact on the economy of the country as a whole.
Keywords: market of logistic services, outsourcing, logistic operators.
LYSA Svitlana,
PhD in Economics, associate Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. The development of market relations and the integration movement of Ukraine require the formation of new approaches to regulating the activity of trade enterprises. Simultaneously with the development of domestic retail trade there is an increasing role of the tangible industry – logistics. Although the Ukrainian logistics market is under development and its pace is moving slowly in comparison with other countries, it is still potentially competitive.
The logistics of the enterprise was investigated by many economists, but the analysis of literature shows that in these works insufficient attention is paid to modern trends in the development of the logistics of a trading enterprise.
The aim of the study is to determine the main trends of logistics development in Ukraine taking into account the peculiarities of business globalization; creation of segmentation of the market of logistics services with an estimation of attractiveness and prospects.
Material and methods. The information base for the study is statistical data presented in the publications of practitioners and experts in the logistics market. Methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization became the basis of the research of the logistics market in Ukraine and the prospects for its development.
Results. At the present stage, there are all prerequisites for introducing changes in various logistics processes. The market of logistic services and the list of logistic operators, which provide logistics outsourcing services, in particular the Internet commerce industry, are analyzed. Factors influencing the effectiveness of logistics activities of the enterprise and approaches to its evaluation were classified. Structural characteristics of the domestic market of logistic services are grouped.
Conclusion. Ukraine has significant prospects for the development of the logistics market, but special attention must be paid to ensuring the simplification of supply arrangements at competitive prices and the transparency of customs services, and the improvement of the quality of infrastructure related to trade and transport. Increasing the efficiency of the logistics market will lead to the emergence of competent providers of integrated logistics services, which will have a positive impact on the economy of the country as a whole.
Keywords: market of logistic services, outsourcing, logistic operators.