UDC 631.16:633.52(477)
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Kherson National Technical University
PhD in Technical Sciences, doctoral student of Kherson National Technical University
Postgraduate student of Kherson National Technical University
Background. The absence of cheap domestic raw materials for light industry enterprises in Ukraine has led to a significant deterioration of its work in general and the decline of many industries. The organization of the industrial processing complex for oilseed flax straw in Ukraine will allow resuming the work of many industrial enterprises by means of the use of high-quality cheap raw materials from oilseed flax stems, which can influence quite effectively the economic stability of the country as a whole.
The analysis of recent studies and publications has shown that despite the existence of certain scientific achievements, an important scientific and practical issue remains to be resolved regarding the overall economic effect of the organization of a processing complex for oilseed flax stems in Ukraine.
The purpose of the paper is to calculate the economic effect of processing oilseed flax stems and determine the profitability and rate of return of the organization of a processing complex with the implementation of modernized technological equipment.
Material and methods. In the course of study, the methods of economic calculation were used, which are based on mathematical and statistical processing of data using formulas to determine the total costs of manufacturing products, income, profits, profitability and rate of return.
Results. The economic efficiency of processing oilseed flax stems was determined in order to obtain raw materials suitable for the production of innovative products: non-woven materials of various functional purposes, geotextiles and such types of fuels as briquettes, pellets, and shove briquettes, which have undeniable advantages over analogues. Thus, with an average yield of fiber from stems of 30 %, a profit will be 5 304 142.27 UAH, the profitability will be 242.61 %, and the rate of return will amount to 0.41 years; with a minimum yield of fiber from stems of 11 % the profit will be 1 618 213.09 UAH, the profitability will be 74.02 %, and the rate of return will reach 1.35 years.
It is known that in the world market, the cost of one ton of raw materials (fiber No. 3) for the production of technical textiles, organic geotextiles, etc. is 18 921.00 UAH as of 2017. Therefore, further economic calculations are made to determine the cost-effectiveness for producers-consumers of fiber No. 3 in the case of the purchase of domestic raw materials, which will be made from oilseed flax stems at Ukrainian enterprises. Thus, the savings from the purchase of 1 ton of oilseed flax fiber No. 3 will amount to 509.23 UAH/t (yield of fiber from stems 11 %), which is 2.7 % less than the price of imported short flax fiber No. 3 and 12 185.01 UAH/t (yield of fiber from stems 30 %), which is 64.4 % less, respectively.
Consequently, such economic attractiveness of the processing of this raw material indicates that burning oilseed flax stems on the field is inappropriate and not rational utilization of them nowadays. The implementation of these proposals will contribute to stabilizing the raw material supply of light industry enterprises in Ukraine.
Conclusion. In Ukraine, oilseed flax is a potential source of annually renewable raw materials for the production of composite and nonwoven materials of various functional purposes, cellulose, filter paper, fuel briquettes and other alternative fuel sources.
Based on economic calculations, at the annual work of equipment designed by scientists of Kherson National Technical University, profit, profitability and rate of return of oilseed flax stems processing were determined.
The investment attractiveness for the creation of new processing enterprises for oilseed flax stems is supported by a comparative analysis of the cost of fiber obtained by means of domestic technology and imported raw materials of the same quality.
Keywords:stems, oilseed flax, processing, profit, profitability, rate of return.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Kherson National Technical University
PhD in Technical Sciences, doctoral student of Kherson National Technical University
Postgraduate student of Kherson National Technical University
Background. The absence of cheap domestic raw materials for light industry enterprises in Ukraine has led to a significant deterioration of its work in general and the decline of many industries. The organization of the industrial processing complex for oilseed flax straw in Ukraine will allow resuming the work of many industrial enterprises by means of the use of high-quality cheap raw materials from oilseed flax stems, which can influence quite effectively the economic stability of the country as a whole.
The analysis of recent studies and publications has shown that despite the existence of certain scientific achievements, an important scientific and practical issue remains to be resolved regarding the overall economic effect of the organization of a processing complex for oilseed flax stems in Ukraine.
The purpose of the paper is to calculate the economic effect of processing oilseed flax stems and determine the profitability and rate of return of the organization of a processing complex with the implementation of modernized technological equipment.
Material and methods. In the course of study, the methods of economic calculation were used, which are based on mathematical and statistical processing of data using formulas to determine the total costs of manufacturing products, income, profits, profitability and rate of return.
Results. The economic efficiency of processing oilseed flax stems was determined in order to obtain raw materials suitable for the production of innovative products: non-woven materials of various functional purposes, geotextiles and such types of fuels as briquettes, pellets, and shove briquettes, which have undeniable advantages over analogues. Thus, with an average yield of fiber from stems of 30 %, a profit will be 5 304 142.27 UAH, the profitability will be 242.61 %, and the rate of return will amount to 0.41 years; with a minimum yield of fiber from stems of 11 % the profit will be 1 618 213.09 UAH, the profitability will be 74.02 %, and the rate of return will reach 1.35 years.
It is known that in the world market, the cost of one ton of raw materials (fiber No. 3) for the production of technical textiles, organic geotextiles, etc. is 18 921.00 UAH as of 2017. Therefore, further economic calculations are made to determine the cost-effectiveness for producers-consumers of fiber No. 3 in the case of the purchase of domestic raw materials, which will be made from oilseed flax stems at Ukrainian enterprises. Thus, the savings from the purchase of 1 ton of oilseed flax fiber No. 3 will amount to 509.23 UAH/t (yield of fiber from stems 11 %), which is 2.7 % less than the price of imported short flax fiber No. 3 and 12 185.01 UAH/t (yield of fiber from stems 30 %), which is 64.4 % less, respectively.
Consequently, such economic attractiveness of the processing of this raw material indicates that burning oilseed flax stems on the field is inappropriate and not rational utilization of them nowadays. The implementation of these proposals will contribute to stabilizing the raw material supply of light industry enterprises in Ukraine.
Conclusion. In Ukraine, oilseed flax is a potential source of annually renewable raw materials for the production of composite and nonwoven materials of various functional purposes, cellulose, filter paper, fuel briquettes and other alternative fuel sources.
Based on economic calculations, at the annual work of equipment designed by scientists of Kherson National Technical University, profit, profitability and rate of return of oilseed flax stems processing were determined.
The investment attractiveness for the creation of new processing enterprises for oilseed flax stems is supported by a comparative analysis of the cost of fiber obtained by means of domestic technology and imported raw materials of the same quality.
Keywords:stems, oilseed flax, processing, profit, profitability, rate of return.