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Автор: sveta on . Posted in 2018_02(26)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2018(26)06

UDC 677.07-048.445
CHURSINA Liudmila,
Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Commodity Science,
Standardization and Certification at Kherson National Technical University
PhD in Technical Sciences, Doctoral Student atthe Department of Commodity Science,
Standardization and Certification at Kherson National Technical University


Background. The importance of technical textiles cannot be overestimated because the scope of its use is virtually limitless. However, for the further development of technical textiles, a deeper study, the unification of work on the assessment of the quality and properties of materials and products of this sub-sector, it is extremely important to have a clear classification.
The aim of the article is to conduct an analysis of the existing classification of technical textiles and to propose a domestic classification.
Material and methods. Methods of logical analysis, generalization of scientific literature, results of previous studies on classification of technical textiles, statistical data on the issues of modern classification are used.
Results. Based on the analysis of works in the field of classification of technical textiles, one can conclude that the value of technical textiles cannot be overestimated, since the scope of its use is virtually limitless. To date, there is a huge difference in the approach classifications of technical textiles, so for the further development of technical textiles, a deeper study, unification of work on the assessment of the quality and properties of materials and products in this sub-sector is extremely important for the presence of a clear classification. Based on the analysis of existing approaches for the classification of technical textiles in the work, the following criteria were distinguished for classification of technical textiles in Ukraine. We have proposed a generalized classification of technical textiles.
Conclusion. To ensure the quality of textile materials of technical purpose, investment and restructuring of the sub-sector of the textile industry, development of production, and scientific research into the effectiveness of protective equip­ment for the provision of special properties of textile materials, depending on the purpose and operating conditions, are required. The presence of a clear classification of products of technical purpose, will allow investing into this sub-sector of production in order to manufacture a variety of goods of various functional purposes.
Keywords: technical textiles, classification, fabrics, non-woven mate­rials, technical purposes.


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