INDUTNY Volodymyr,
Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy Professor at the Department
of Commodity Science and Customs of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics
YUNDA Valeria,
Senior research fellow at the Eastern Countries Art Department
of the The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department
of Commodity Science and Customs of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics
Background. Naturaljade is a precious stone in many countries of the Far East and it is included in the listsof the World Jewellry Confederation CIBJO.In the modern domestic market, simulants of natural stones are widely represented, made of glass and polymers, with the addition of natural colored mineral fillers,which are practically impossible to distinguish visually from natural stones.That is why the problem exists to develop a methodology for determining the criteria for quality assessment of itemsfrom natural jade required to forecast their value, which is the aim of work.
Material and methods. The first stage of the study is the creation of a base of output information about jewelry from natural jade, which ispresented for sale in a free market.The second one is the study of the distribution of cost indicators for itemsfrom natural jade, which have different quality.The third one is sorting of itemsfrom natural jade by cost and quality characteristics. The fourth – allocation of individual commodity groups of products and the simulation of asymptotic formulas for the calculation of predictive cost indicators.The fifth – implementation of the verification procedures for the formulation of practical recommendations to experts.
Results. The quality assessmentand forecasting of value of jewelry from natural jade, based on the data of the real domestic market, was carried out.A special protocol is given for the accountingof useful information about its quality, and an asymptotic model for the calculation of predictive cost indicators is proposed.Some examples of solving expert tasks are presented.
Conclusion. In the modern market, there three main groups of carved items from natural jade are presented. They are designed for buyers with different financial capabilities and are characterized by different quality characteristics by artistic valueand level of technical excellence. To forecast the value of jewelry from natural jade it is enough to take into account its quality characteristics for the ten described criteria.
For qualitative forecasting, the expert must be convinced that the item is represented by a truly natural mineral aggregate, not a modern composite material, which artificially decorated or painted.
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