DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2018(26)12
CHORNA Anastasia,
PhD in Technical Sciences, assistant at the Department of Foodstuff Expertise
of National University of Food and Technologies
Background. Various methods that contribute to the preservation of freshness of bakery products such as introduction of certain substances into the formulation; preparation of a dough with an extended process of fermentation, selection of optimal packing material, etc are known. One way to prevent the evaporation of moisture through the crust of bakery products is to create a barrier in the form of a thin film of edible coating [1–3].
Analysis of recent research and publications. Today, the following domestic and foreign scientists are studying ways to create biodegradable polymeric materials for food products: S. V. Ryabov [8], G. M. Lysyuk [9], M. L. Sherieva [10], A. G. Snezhko [11], R. N. Tharanathan [12], O. Ramos [13] and others.
The aim is to optimize the composition of the edible coating for bakery products, which preserves their freshness and does not alter the organoleptic properties for a certain shelf life.
Material and methods. The criterion of optimization of bakery products is the freshness, which is determined by the results of structural and mechanical indicators of quality (plastic, elastic and general deformation of the crumb) of the studied bakery products during storage. Preservation of freshness of bakery products with edible coating relative to the control sample (without coating) 69 % was pre-established [14]. A multivariate experiment was conducted to obtain a regression equation for the response functions –the freshness of bakery products through the planning of a multifactorial experiment of species 23by the Boxes-Wilson method[15].
Results. It was established that the developed edible coating does not aggravate the organoleptic properties of bakery products. The results of the value of the moisture content of the bread indicate that the application of edible coating delayed the process of loss of moisture and, as a consequence, the loss of bread during storage.
According to Fisher's criterion, the hypothesis about the adequacy of a regression model can be considered correct with 95 % confidence. The correlation coefficient is R = 0.9749, which indicates the high accuracy of the results.
According to Student's criterion, the freshness of bakery products is most influenced by the gelatin concentration, and the least by the glycerin concentration.
Conclusion. The parametric optimization of the target function – the freshness of bakery products – was carried out on the basis of the results of structural and mechanical indicators of quality, which made it possible to obtain optimal values of the composition of the coating. The greatest freshness of bakery products – 69.17 % of the original, was provided with such concentrations of coating components, %: starch – 7.3; gelatin – 12.7; glycerin – 1.9. The rest is water – 78.1 %.
Keywords: edible coating, freshness, bakery products, optimization, multifactorial experiment
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