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Автор: sveta on . Posted in 2018_02(26)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2018(26)13

UDC 641.87:613.2]:678.048
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor at the Department of Commodity Studies,
Safety and Quality Management of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Postgraduate student at the Department of Commodity Studies, Safety and Quality Management
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. Stress is a special functional condition that occurs as a complex reaction of the organism with the involvement of biochemical, humoral, vegetative, behavioral, emotional and other psychic processes. The most common reaction of the organism to stress events is a redox-equilibrium shift in the body toward free radical oxidation, which is the result of increased energy production by the cells of the body with an increase in oxygen consumption. Due to the strengthening of oxidative reactions, a large number of active forms of oxygen are formed that require an antioxidant limitation. The introduction of antioxidants from the outside, with food products, replenishes their endogenous reserves, increases the protective activity of the system, provides maintenance of stress in the physiological framework.
The aim of the study is to substantiate the use of dry extracts of medicinal plant raw material – Melissa officinalis L. and Leonurus cardiaca L., B vitamins (thiamine and pyridoxine) and ascorbic acid to enhance the antioxidant and anti-stress properties of the developed dry mixtures for reconstituted beverages.
Material and methods. The research objects are dry extract of chicory and developed dry mixes for the restored anti stress action beverages: "Tsikorlakt soothing" (Tsikorlakt N 1), "Tsikorlakt soothing with coffee" (Tsikorlakt N 2), "Tsikorlakt soothing from cocoa" (Tsikorlakt N 3), which are made on the basis of the Slavuta Chicory-dried factory.
The antioxidant activity of objects is determined by the Semenov, Yarosh-method which is based on the oxidation kinetics of the reduced form of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol with oxygen from the air in the presence and absence of (control) the product under study, as well as the values of the inhibition constant (Ki) by the oxidation product of the specified reagent as an indica­tor of antioxidant activity.
Results. The content of dry extract of chicory, depending on the formulation of developed drinks, is 15–25 %. Chicory chemical composition, in particular, inulin, chlorogenic acid with synergy of carotene and vitamins provides it with antioxidant properties. Dry milk (about 60 %), which amino acids contain sulfhydryl and hydroxyl groups, inactivate free radicals. Mutual transformations in the system "cystine-cysteine" determine the active participation of amino acids in the oxidative-reduction reactions of the biochemical processes of respiration, metabolism and the nervous activity of living organisms. To calculate the percentages of antioxidant activity of chicory and beverages, the natural values of this indicator are compared to the antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid.
Investigated antioxidant activity of dry extract of chicory is 14.52 % or 0.12 ± 0.01 l g-1 ∙ min-1 in natural quantities. Based on the research it can be stated that the enrichment of the developed dry mixtures with medicinal plant raw material extracts and vitamins, including ascorbic acid, can significantly increase the antioxidant activity of the reconstituted drinks. These supplements are inhibitors that break the chain by reaction with peroxide radicals. The highest effect in this case we achieved in the drink Tsikorlakt soothing, which AOA is 28.05 %.
In beverages with coffee and cocoa powder, antioxidant activity decreases by 1.22 % and 3.74 %, respectively, due to a decrease in the amount of chicory in the product formulation.
Conclusion. It has been experimentally proved that use in the formulation of the developed dry mixes for reconstituted drinks of anti-stress action of dry extracts of medicinal plant raw material – Melissa officinalis L. and Leonurus cardiaca L., B vitamins (thiamine and pyridoxine) and ascorbic acid increase their antioxidant activity. It is highest in the drink "Tsikorlakt soothing" – 28.05 %, which is twice as high as chicory dried extract antioxidant activity. For dry mixes with the addition of coffee and cocoa powder the antioxidant activity increases by 12.3 and 9.8 % respectively.
Keywords: stress, free radical oxidation, antioxidant activity, dry extract of chicory, dry mix for restored drinks of anti-stress action.


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