Background. Ukrainian legislation states that the FSMS development, implementation and application by organizations, which activities are related to food, are mandatory. It is globally recognized that the key international document in this area is the standard ISO 22000 "Food safety management systems – The requirements for any organization in the food chain". The new edition of this international standard was published and adopted by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) on June 19, 2018. In the near future, this international document must be translated into the state language and approved at the national level. In order to ensure an adequate level of Ukrainian enterprises related to the food and feed production and circulation competitiveness, a detailed analysis of the recently adopted version innovations peculiarities and specificities is relevant.
The aim of the study is the international standard ISO 22000:2018 provisions detailed analysis, the methodological basis preparation for this normative document’s provisions implementation at the national level.
Material and methods. As a methodological basis, the international standard ISO 22000:2018 materials, methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, induction and deduction, methodological approaches to food safety management systematization wereused.
Results. The standard ISO 22000:2018 came into force and replaced the previous version. According to the international norms, accredited bodies, which carry out organizations FSMS,must transfer to the application of 2018 edition during 3 years and have the right to conduct certification on the accordance to it since its publication.
The ISO 22000:2018 standard’s structure has been expanded and consists of a foreword, introduction, 10 clauses, 2 annexes and bibliography. That is explained bythe integrated approach application. Such a change is intended to enhance the interoperability, different ISO standards requirements better understanding by their users. This will help organizations to integrate the FSMS into the complex of organization business processes management.
The updated standard particularities are the process approach application by the PDCA cycle implementation at two levels (the first applies to the management system and the second is based on the HACCP principles), the key definitions differentiation, the terminology baseextension, the importance of factors, which can positively or negatively affect the results in the organization context, understanding, the top-management role increasing and its ability to demonstrate leadership, focusing on risk-based thinking.
Conclusion. The international standard ISO 22000:2018 is characterized by greater accessibility for understanding and usage availability for organizations. The new edition main innovations are the application of PDCA cycle, risk-based thinking and leadership. These changes are intended to ensure higher FSMS activity efficiency, confirmation of all participants in the food chain application need for and higher compatibility with other ISO management system standards through the realignment standard content to the high-level structure andconsolidated terminology base.
Keywords: standard, food safety management system, HACCP, PDCA cycle, risk-based thinking.
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