BABII Olexandra,
Background. Passive smoking, that is, inhaling air contaminated with tobacco smoke from active smokers, causes respiratory, cardiovascular, and asthma attacks, sudden infant death syndrome and neurological complications.
A ban on smoking in public places was introduced in Ukraine in December 2012 when the Law of Ukraine "On Measures to Prevent and Reduce Tobacco Use and Their Harmful Impact on the Health of the Population" came into force. However, in practice consumers face with a violation of the law, which poses a potential danger to their lives and health.
The aim of the article is to asses the implementation of the Law of Ukraine № 2899-IV concerning the prohibition of smoking in indoor premises of restaurant facilities.
Material and methods. During December 2017 –January 2018, 398 restaurant facilities were monitored in 7 Ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkasy, Kharkiv, Odessa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk. Data were compared with similar studies conducted in 2015.
Results. During the monitoring, significant violations were found in Kyiv restaurant facilities – 28.9 %, and in Kharkiv 45.2 %, less than 3 % of violations were in Lviv; 11.4 % in Cherkasy; 17.2 % in Odessa. There were no violations in restaurants in Zhytomyr and Ivano-Frankivsk.
If we compare the results of the monitoring conducted in 2017 with the results of the inspections of the same places in 2015, then the aggregate rate of implementation of the law in 7 cities practically has not changed: 19.7 % and 19.9 % respectively.
At the same time, the situation with compliance with the law improved in Odessa by 9.4 percent, but degraded two times in Kharkiv.
The highest number of recorded violations was related to smoking of hookahs –17.6 % of all inspected institutions, and smoking cigarettes was recorded only in 6.8 % of institutions. Also, the new threat is IQOS.
Conclusion. A number of anti-tobacco measures carried out in Ukraine over the past 7 years have contributed to a reduction in the prevalence of smoking. However, the lack of state control negatively affects the implementation of anti-tobacco legislation.
According to the results of monitoring, only 80.2 % of checked cafes, bars and restaurants comply with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation.
Keywords: monitoring, restaurants, passive smoking, cigarettes, hookah, electronic cigarettes, IQOS.
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