SHAPOVAL Svitlana,
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering
Background. At present day when measuring the properties of a product it is necessary to fix its changes in time, simultaneously forming the evidence base. Recording measuring devices are used in complete set with appropriate sensors to automatically fix the dynamics of the parameters under study.
The characteristics of the main measuring platforms with the possibility of connecting independently constructed sensors by the companies National Instruments, Phywe and ITM which are presented on the market of EU countries and Ukraine are considered. The choice of domestically produced equipment for construction of multifunctional measuring complex is grounded.
The aim of the work is theoretical substantiation, development and production of the hardware and software components of a multifunctional measuring complex adapted for research on the physical properties of food products.
Material and methods. In order to manufacture measuring complex MIG-1.4 the system unit produced by Pipo Elektronics, China and the measuring UDG-12s, manufactured by LLC "ITM", Kharkov, Ukraine were used.
The used sensors were calibrated in accordance with: penetrometer index ofdynamometer PD-3N manufactured by ITM; pH-meter – for the acidity level of control solutions by the pH-meter Milwaukee MW102; temperature sensor – for electronic thermometer KI&BNT WT-2. The body of the device and separate elements for its construction 3DS Max 2016 were printed on FlashForge 3D-printer.
Results. The scheme of designing and manufacturing of the measuring complex MIG-1.4 has been developed, its appearance has been shown as the starting interface. The functions and selection of software for measuring and creating their own program for calculating and predicting the parameters of culinary processing of food products are considered.
Measuring complex MIG-1.4 was developed In accordance with the concept "all in one". It meets the production requirements of the equipment and is fully compatible with ITM and MIG sensors. The lack of peripheral devices and the available waterproof touch screen in the device allow to conduct research in the production environment, without hesitation about the accuracy of computer manipulators.
Sensors were calibrated: penetrometer, pH-meter, thermometer; an example of the measuring module functioning was given.
Conclusion. It has been affirmed that MIG-1.4 with the module of express-diagnostics of structural and mechanical properties of meat allows to determine the structural and mechanical peculiarities and acidity of samples in production conditions. On an example of the module functioning the program interface for measuring was described.
Keywords: measuring complex, measuring and recording devices, automated measurements, digital sensors, 3D-printing, structural and mechanical properties, chicken fillet.
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