PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. The development of the technology of dry fish and plant semi-finished products for using in a wide range of food products requires minimizing the effect of threemethylamine, nitrogen volatile bases, ammonia and other compounds that have a significant effect on the formation of an intense fish odor on the organoleptic parameters. In this regard, studies have been conducted to find ways to reduce the intensity of the fish smell of dry semi-finished products by using the properties of particular raw materials and technological processes – to participate in oxidative-reduction reactions and sorption properties of polysaccharides.
The aim of this article is to study the specifics of the influence of plant material and milk whey on the sensory characteristics of fish and plant minced semi-products based on Gobiidae small fish to substantiate the methods of correction of the expressed fish odor of dry fish and plant semifinished products (DFS).
Material and methods. For the sensory evaluation of dried fish and plant semi-finished products, a profile descriptive method (DSTU ISO 6564:2005) was used.
The influence of plant material and its concentration on sensory smell of DFS was determined. Minced meat from steam-thermally treated (for 8–10 min) Gobiidae fish carcass and hydrolysed (during 40–45 min) fish heads using 5, 10 and 15 % wheat bran was prepared and dried to a residual moisture content of 5–7 % by the technology. Control samples were selected: 1 – dry fish and plant semi-finished product (DFS) based on minced carcass of blanched fish raw materials; 2 – DFS based on minced product from hydrolyzed head of Gobiidae fish; 3 – DFS based on minced product from hydrolyzed and treated in milk whey Gobiidae fish heads.
The intensity of the "fish smell" descriptor was quantified on a scale from 0 to 5 points by the expert group.
The content of nitrogen of volatile bases was determined by the modified method of potentiometric titration by Pil L. I., Olkhovska L. I. [13].
Results. Due to the need to disguise the smell of DFS from the small fish, the use of two technological methods has been investigated: 1 – hydrothermal treatment of fish raw materials for reducing the content of volatile substances, inactivating enzymes and ensuring its microbiological safety; 2 – use of porous plant fiber (bran of wheat, oat), which absorb volatile compounds and reduce the fish odor. It was established that the decrease in the intensity of the fish smell of fish and plant semi-finished products based on blanched carcasses of fish is possible provided that wheat bran is used at a concentration of 10 % and more. Characteristic fish smell reduces with an increase in the mass fraction of bran, the product acquires a pleasant aroma of cereals. The use of 10 and 15 % wheat bran allowed a qualitative change in the sensory characteristics of the smell of fish and plant semi-products, the intensity of which was evaluated by the majority of experts as "moderate" (39 and 44 % respectively) and "tenuous" respectively (30 and 37 % respectively). Pleasant, meat-like smell of DFS with a mass fraction of 10 % bran is formed.
Correlation between the wheat bran content and the sensory characteristics of the odor, the accumulation of nitrogen of volatile bases (AVB) in the DFS was determined. It is probably due to the adsorption of the bran fibers of the volatile compounds. For the leveling of a specific fish odor in the DFS from hydrolysed fish heads, efficiency of complex use of wheat bran and milk whey has been confirmed.
Conclusion. The expediency of using of fiber in fish and plant semi-finished products on the basis of blanched carcasses of fish, wheat bran (10 %) and non-fat milk whey – in semi-finished products from hydrolyzed fish heads to reduce the intensity of fish odor, was determined. The correlation between the content of wheat bran and the sensory characteristics of the odor, accumulation of volatile bases nitrogen (ABN) in DFS has been confirmed. For the leveling of a specific fish smell in the DSF from hydrolyzed fish heads, the effectiveness of the complex use of wheat and milk whey has been confirmed. The parameters and regimes of treatment of model minced meat systems from hydrolyzed fish heads with the use of milk whey, followed by the use of wheat bran, have been scientifically substantiated. This allows the use of dry fish and plant semi-finished products in a wide range of culinary products, flour confectionery and food concentrates.
Keywords: dry fish and plant semi-finished products (DFS), small fish Gobiidae, sensory characteristics, aroma profile, deodorization, wheat bran, milk whey.
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