Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department
of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Postgraduate student of the Department of Technology
Background. Today, Ukrainian producers have to solve important issues regarding competitiveness. One of them is the introduction of innovative technologies in decorating confectionery. The most important problem is to improve domestic technology of sugar paste in order to regulate structural and mechanical characteristics, improving flavouring properties, nutritional, biological and reducing energy value due to using of dairy products processing, namely milk serum of dry demineralization (MSDD).
The aim of the work is to determine the rational concentration of the milk serum of dry demineralization in sugar paste’s structure on the basis of study of their structural and mechanical properties.
Material and methods. The investigation of the structural and mechanical properties of sugar paste’s samples is carried out on a plane-parallel plastomer by Tolstoy, which is based on the determination of the displacement deformation, marked to the thickness of the sample. During the investigation of structural and mechanical characteristics of model systems, a fixed load for all systems that contains 65 g, the same temperature (+6 °C) and samples’ height (7 mm) are provided.
Results. It has been experimentally determined that with an increase of milk serum concentration up to 50 %, deformation rates increase that are irreversible and connected with plasticity, and the indices of elasticity and flexibility sharply decrease, which characterizes sugar paste system with milk serum of dry demineralization as more suitable for work.
The sample of paste with the replacement of 20 % sugar powder with MSDD is recommended to cover confectionery products, with the replacement of 30 % MSDD to produce sugar flowers, 50 % MSDD as the base for sculptural mass for modelling shapes and creation of framework bases.
Conclusion. The given information confirms, that adding milk serum of dry demineralization into concentration of 20–50 % in the structure of sugar pastes adjusts the structural and mechanical properties of the samples.
Keywords: sugar paste, dry demineralizedmilk serum, general deformation, conditional and moment modulus of elasticity, highly elastic modulus, plastic viscosity, after effect elasticviscosity.
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