UDC 663.916.5-046.37 | DOI: | |
Svitlana KRAIEVSKA, E-mail: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3499-9636 |
Postgraduate student at the Department of Technology of Health Products of the National University of Food Technologies Volodymyrska str., 68, Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine |
Natalia STETSENKO, E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6710-024Х |
PhD in Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Technology of Health Products of the National University of Food Technologies Volodymyrska str., 68, Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine |
Background. Celiac disease and gluten intolerance are widespread genetic diseases. At present, gluten free diet is the only method of treatment. Gluten-free products market in Ukraine is in the stage of formation, the main part of which is imported products. Domestic manufacturers are able to become involved in the development of such a product category; this must comply with the rules of the European Association of Celiacs (AOECS) for gluten-free production.
The aim of the workis the analysis of the world market of gluten-free products and identification of the main factors of formation and prospects of development of such a market in Ukraine.
Material and methods. The market segment of gluten-free food products was selected as the subject of the study. The dynamics of sales of such products in the world for the last 15 years, the potential for growth of consumption and the structure of world sales of certain types of gluten-free products, standards and conditions of their production have been analyzed. The method of marketing analysis was used in the work.
Results. In the past five years, gluten-free products have become part of the culture of food in developed countries, but this market in Ukraine is still in its infancy. The main part of the market for gluten-free food in Ukraine is imported products, which are characterized by a much higher price compared to traditional domestic products. The main part of the market for gluten-free food in Ukraine is the import goods of such brands as SONKO (Store Food Distribution, Great Britain), Bezgluten, Balviten (Poland), 3Pauly, Biovegan, Grundorf (Germany), Dr.Schar, Pedon, Fiorentini (Italy), Provena (Finland), Candy Tree (Netherlands), Alaska (Slovakia), Amylon (Czech Republic), GULLON (Spain) and others. They offer a fairly wide range of foods for celiac disease (baking mixes, cookies, pasta, bread, pizza bases, chips, candy, sauces, beverages, etc.), which has a significantly higher price than traditional domestic products.
To achieve a reduction in the value of imported gluten-free products is possible only through the establishment of domestic production of qualitative and safe analogues. Now the only officially obtaining of a licensed permission to mark the TM "Crossed-Grain" and compliance with European standards AEOCS guarantee the safety and quality of goods without gluten. This is a difficult road that requires substantial investments, because for obtaining a license, the company has to undergo inspections of production norms, factory building, composition of ingredients, personnel qualifications, standards of packaging, storage, transportation; laboratory analysis of the finished product. At the same time, the gluten content should be reduced to below 20 ppm. Due to high-tech processes and stringent production requirements, not every company is ready to offer consumer gluten-free products. However, such producers in Ukraine are: TM World's rice, Zhmenka, Ms. Tally, who offer flour and pasta and have certificates that confirm the lack of gluten.
Conclusion. The market for gluten-free food and drinks has undergone a radical change – from special niche to main products.
Factors such as promoting health and well-being, improving marketing activities, raising awareness of celiac disease and other gluten allergies also cause market growth.
The Ukrainian manufacturer has the opportunity to engage in the formation of a market for gluten-free products and services, using the well-known Cross Grain® European trademark. To do this, it is enough to meet two criteria: compliance with the principles of food safety of production and the effectiveness of the HACCP system; readiness to comply with the regulations of the European Association of Celiac Diseases (AOECS) regarding gluten-free production.
Keywords: gluten-free foods, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, market segmentation of gluten-free foods.
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