UDC 641.45:[664.641.2+639.64 | DOI: | |
Iryna ANTONIUK, E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0003-4629-3403 |
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine |
Background. The iodine deficiency is directly related to nutrition, with insufficientuse of iodine-containing products and protein. In order to reduce the deficit of macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, food fibers in diets of the population, seaweeds and products of their processing are becoming increasingly used, the composition of which is due to the high content of polysaccharides and organic iodine.
The aim of the work is to substantiate the recipe, to develop the technology of dessert "Oksamyt" with an improved nutritional composition and study the quality of the developed product.
Materials and methods. The object of the study is to improve the technology of dessert using spelt flour, pectin-zosterine and dried cystosyra. The content of mineral substances is determined by the atomic absorption method on a spectrophotometer Techtron-AA-4 (Austria), Iodine – by inversion voltammetry method.
The scale of the 5-point assessment for the determination of the organoleptic parameters of all three components of the dessert "Oksamyt": a biscuit basis with spelt flour, a layer of berry with the use of pectin-zosterine and a powder of cystosyra and cream on the basis of sour milk cheese.
Results. In the first stage, a biscuit base for flavored spelt desserts was made. When working out technology of layer of mashed berry from black currant and blackberries the need to introduce pectin-zosterin into its composition for the purpose of additional thickening and stabilization of the structure has proved. The choice of berry raw material is due to its chemical composition.
Experimental researches have determined the rational concentration of pectin-zosterin for the berry layer "Blackberry – currant" with a dense gelly-like structure – 1.2 % of the total weight of raw materials for filling. The technology of filling production involves the preparation of raw materials (sorting, washing), grinding on the sieve, boiling down puree with sugar to the content of dry matter 32–34 %, adding pectin-zosterin and boiling for 30 seconds.
To increase the content of micronutrients, in particular, iodine and selenium, the administration of 1.0 % of cystosyroid powder per 100 g of berry layer is proposed. Cystosyroid powder is added after boiling down of the berry mass, since heat treatment negatively affects the content of iodine and its main synergists. The dessert "Oksamyt" includes 30 grams of berry layer.
To improve the nutritional value, taste and appearance of the dessert, it is decided to use a cream based on sour milk cheese and yogurt.
The formation of dessert is carried out using a metal ring, the bottom of which is laid out with a food film, and the boards – an acetate (or curb) tape. Preparation of dessert takes place in several stages, in particular: the baking of a biscuit base and settling up for 8 hours, preparation of a marshmallow and cream of sour milk cheese and yogurt.
Adding the proposed additives to the dessert "Oksamyt" made it possible to increase all investigated minerals. The content of Iodine and Selenium in dessert (by 120 g) increased by 6.9 and 3.3 times, respectively. An increase in the content of Zinc, Magnesium, Ferum and Phosphorus was almost 87, 78, 35 and 32 % respectively. Potassium has grown by a quarter, and Calcium is the least, by 11.5 %.
The main achievement of the developed dessert "Oksamyt" is the increase in the satisfaction of daily needs in Selenium and Iodine in accordance with 51 and 38 %.
Conclusion. The "Oksamyt" dessert takes into account the current trends, combining the baked basis, the fruit-berry layer and the cream based on sour-milk products. It is characterized by excellent taste and usefulness, as it provides a diet of consumers with mineral substances.
Keywords: dessert, spelt flour, sponge cake, black currant, blackberry, cystosyra, microelementosis.
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