UDC 664.664 | DOI: | |
Larysa MIKHONIK, E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0002-6997-2081 |
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate professor at the Department of technology of bakery and confectionery products, National University of Food Technologies 68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine |
Inna GETMAN, E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0002-9448-9956 |
Postgraduate student at the Department of technology of bakery and confectionery products, National University of Food Technologies 68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine |
Background. Currently, the problem of creating gluten-free dietary products is relevant. An increase in the number of patients with celiac disease is forcing scientists to expand their diet, in which bread is the most important. The recipe of the developed types of bread includes different types of starches and gluten-free types of flour.
Improvement of the quality of gluten-free bread is possible through the use of semi-finished products – acid oxidants.
The aim of research is proving the feasibility of using spontaneous fermentation leaven from cereal flour in the technology of gluten-free bread.
Materials and methods. The study of fermentation from flour of cereals gluten-free cultures – rice, buckwheat and corn is conducted. The quality of test laboratory baking of ready-made gluten-free bread with the addition of investigated ferments is evaluated. Well-known methods of quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, using relevant literature and normative and technical documentation, are used.
Results. Sourdoughs are prepared by spontaneous fermentation of a cereals flour mixture and water, at a temperature of 30–32 °C. The dilution cycle lasted 72 hours. The renewal cycle consists in adding a flour nutrient mixture and water every 24 hours. The composition of the microflora of the leaven changed after the fifth renewal, which meant its readiness for use in the production cycle of gluten-free bread preparation. Humidity of leaven was 59–60 %. The highest acidity is found in buckwheat leaven – 18.2 degrees, the lowest is corn (10.5 degrees). The activity of the ICD was 92 and 118 deg. accordingly.
By analyzing the microflora of the prepared leaven it is established that it is represented by a wide range of microorganisms of different taxonomic groups, among which the lactic acid bacteria of genera Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Enterococcus and Leuconostoc dominate.
When carrying out a test laboratory baking with leaven, 10 % of flour was added in the dough, according to the formulation. The control sample is dough without leaven. It was established that the addition of leaven from cereals flour contributes to an increase in acidity by 0.8–1.0 deg., and the duration of standing out of dough half-finished products is reduced by 10–15 minutes in comparison with the control. Bread with leaven has an elastic bread crumb with uniform porosity, has brightly expressed taste and aroma, the greater volume by 6–12 %, the best porosity indicator than the control sample.
Conclusion. The efficiency of the use of spontaneous fermentation leaven from corn, buckwheat and rice flour in the technology of gluten-free bread has been proved. These leavenings intensify the accumulation of acids in the dough and accelerate the processes of its maturation. As a result of vital activity of lactic acid bacteria, ready-made bread has a brightly expressed taste and aroma, and has a positive effect on the bread volume and its porosity.
Keywords: celiac disease, gluten free bread, cereal flour, chemical composition, spontaneous fermentation leaven, quality indicators, intensification of processes.
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