UDC 658.8:64.033:613.2 | DOI: | |
Natela KORDZAIA, E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0003-3429-0483 |
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Kanatna str., 112, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine |
Inna KOVALIV, E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0002-5819-5547 |
Postgraduate student at the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Kanatna str., 112, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine |
Background. One of the important and promising directions for development of the food industry is creation of safe, and at the same time, complete in composition and consumption properties of healthy food products. It is appropriate to start development of such product with conducting market research in order to identify motivation and preferences among both existing and potential consumers.
The aim of the paper is to carry out a marketing research of the demand of potential consumers of cereal bars, as well as to analyze the consumer preferences when choosing and purchasing these products to substantiate the feasibility of expanding the assortment.
Materials and methods. A marketing research was conducted in order to study the demand of potential consumers of cereal bars and analyze their preferences when choosing and purchasing these products, in order to expand the range of cereal bars, as well as to determine the consumer profile. The survey was conducted both in electronic form and in the form of a face-to-face interview. The researchers surveyed the attitudes of 400 people. The number was determined using the standard table and included the sampled population of more than 1 million people with a margin of error equal to 5 % (confidence coefficient is 0.954).
The method of sample formation was stochastic (random) selection. Statistical processing of data was done in Excel.
Results. Marketing research on consumer preferences in the selection and purchaseof cereal bars was conducted in Odessa in May 2019. Respondents of various age groups, gender, occupation and marital status were surveyed.
The results of the research reveal that the key factors consumers pay attention to when choosing and buying cereal bars are primarily the composition of the product (24.8 %); 22.5 % of consumers pay attention to the type of additives. Equally important criteria for the modern consumer are the energy value (19.1 %) and the price of the product (15.6 %). Furthermore, a modern consumer is also guided by such criteria as the shelf life of the product (9.2 %), packaging design (5.7) and the manufacturer (country of origin) (2.2 %). 0.9 % of surveyed cereal bar consumers responded with their own opinion.
Conclusion. The results of the consumer survey, carried out through a specially developed for a market research on consumer preferences when choosing and buying cereal bars questionnaire, revealed that consumers of products represent a fairly wide range of population, namely schoolchildren, students, athletes as well as consumers of other nature of occupations aged from 26 to 45 years.
It was established that the main characteristics of cereal bars, which consumers pay attention to when choosing and buying them, are, primarily, the composition of the bars, the type of additives, energy value and price.
It was determined that the majority of consumers are not completely satisfied with the assortment of cereal bars presented in the Odessa retail chain and are awaiting for the launch of new salty cereal bars on the market. Hence, expanding the range of these products may be appropriate due to the development of new types of cereal bars with the inclusion of vegetable additives (root vegetables), sea salt and spices.
Keywords: cereal bars, marketing research, questionnaires, respondents, consumer preferences, assortment.
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