UDC 665.633-02 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2019(32)05 | |
Nina MEREZHKO, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID: 0000-0003-3077-9636 |
Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine |
Valentyna TKАCHUK, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID: 0000-0001-5793-5227 |
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Expertise in Customs Affairs at Lutsk National Technical University, 75, Lvivska str., Lutsk, Volyn region, Ukraine, 43000 |
Olena ZINCHENKO, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Head of the Central Plant Laboratory of PJSC "Ukrtatnafta" 3, Svishtovska str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, Ukraine, 39610 |
Background. Due to the increased environmental requirements for combustion products, increased load on the engine, speed, longevity of cars, requirements for the quality of gasoline are increasing.
During the production of modern motor gasoline such processes are involved as: catalytic reforming, isomerization, catalytic cracking and alkylation. Unfortunately, there are not many factories in Ukraine that could produce gasoline and diesel fuel that would meet the requirements of today. Improving the performance of such gasoline is achieved by the introduction of multifunctional additives. Some of them are discussed in the article.
The aim of the article is to investigate the influence of multifunctional additives of European manufacturers on the operational properties of gasoline of domestic production.
Materials and methods. The research used gasoline produced by Ukrtatnafta, the most popular brands A-95 and A-92, which meet the requirements of technical regulations and SSTU 7687: 2015.
Keropur® Energy (Basf, Germany) and Chimec EP Line (Chimec, Italy) synthetic additives were used to maintain cleanliness and purification of the fuel system to improve performance.
When adding additives to gasoline, the following parameters were investigated: efficiency of maintaining the purity of the intake system according to the standard method of SES F-05-A-93, suspension of the inlet valves – according to SES F-16-T-96, corrosion of steel – for ASTMD 665 A mod.
Results. When dosing of 600 mg/kg (ppm) of Keropur® Energy in A-95 gasoline, the metal surfaces of the intake valves remain virtually clean. The deposits on the valves average 9 mg/valve. Similar results were obtained for gasoline A-92. The optimum recommended dosage for Category 3 and 4 gasoline is 600 mg/kg.
In the study of Chimec EP Line additives it was found that at a dosage of 350 mg/kg of gasoline A-95 the amount of deposits is < 20 mg/kg, and at a dosage of 500 mg/kg the amount of deposits is < 10 mg/kg, which meets the requirements of the World Fuel Charter.
The Keropur® ENERGY additive package was tested for hang-ups of SES F-16-T-96 valves in A-95 gasoline at –18 °C at a dosage of 1200 mg/kg. Gasoline with the additive was uniquely tested, all cylinders were fully compressed.
Keropur® ENERGY and Chimec A-95 gasoline packs effectively prevented corrosion processes.
The use of additives to reduce the emission of harmful substances can significantly reduce the level of emissions of harmful substances in the exhaust gases – hydrocarbons, which are not burned (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), as well as to 4–5 % and reduce gasoline consumption respectively the evolution of carbon dioxide ("greenhouse") CO2.
Conclusion. The results of the studies testify to the efficient operation of the car engine, ensuring that the requirements of the Euro-5 standards are fulfilled when using Keropur® ENERGY and Chimec EP Line multifunctional additives.
The optimal consumption of Keropur® ENERGY and Chimec EP Line supplements is 600 and 550 mg/kg respectively. At the market price of Keropur® ENERGY 2920 €/t and Сhimec EP Line 3120 €/t, the increase in the cost of gasoline will be 1.752 and 1.716 €/t, respectively, which is justified, given the significant improvement in their performance.
Keywords: gasoline, additive, quality, operational properties, exhaust gas.
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