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Автор: sveta on . Posted in 2021_03(39)

Cite as APA style citation
Antiushko D. Vitamin value of the gerodietetic product for enteral nutrition. International scientific-practical journal "Commodities and markets". 2021. N 3. P. 115-125.


UDC 641.1:613.2.032.33   DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2021(39)09
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ORCID: 0000-0002-4135-6439
  Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. The analysis of the current demographic structure of the world and Ukrainian population gives reasons to state a rather significant increase in the number of older age groups representatives. At the beginning of 2021, the total number of people over 60 in Ukraine is more than 10 million and is 24.44 %. According to the rate of population aging and the general dynamics of this indicator, Ukraine ranks 10-th in world rankings
In order to create appropriate conditions to meet the nutritional needs, especially of elder aging groups representatives, including with increased physical and emotional loads, during periods of diseases and injuries treatment, primarily somatic, and reha­bilitation after them, a Ukrainian gerodietetic dry powdery product for enteral nutrition has been developed
The aim of the work is to research the vitamin value of gerodietetic dry soluble product for enteral nutrition and to analyze the average satisfaction level of the recom­mended daily requirement for the elderly persons in presented vitamins after product’s consumption in a ready liquid form.
Materials and methods. The research’s object was the developed gerodietetic dry soluble product for enteral nutrition. Dry soluble product for enteral nutrition Peptamen, produced by the Nestle company (Switzerland), was selected as a control sample.
The following methods were used to research the vitamin value: high-performance liquid chromatography using the liquid chromatograph "Lumachrom" with a chromatographic column and a pre-column, filled with an inverted-phase sorbent "Kromasil C18", and spectrophotometric, using a spectrophotometer "Specord 210".
While holding the research five-fold replicate experiments and three-fold analyzes were used. Mathematical and statistical processing of the results was performed using a computer in MS Excel. The determined reliability of the deviation of the obtained results does not exceed 0.03.
Results. The obtained experimental results allow to state that the addition of whey protein concentrate into the developed gerodietetic powdery product for enteral nutrition contributed to the provision of high biological value, in particular to increase the content of niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, retinol, thiamine, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid. Additional enrichment of the product by the β-carotene (taking into account its corresponding retinol equivalence), thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and calciferol allowed to increase the vitamin value of the product significantly.
It was established, that consumption (usage) of the developed gerodietetic product for hereditary purposes significantly contributes to the intake of retinol (including β-carotene) – the daily requirement is achieved by almost 83.45 %, thiamine – by 66.53 %, riboflavin – by 2.94 %, pyridoxine – by 80.84 %, ascorbic acid – by 25.09 %, less for niacin – by 5.89 %, pantothenic acid – by 19.16 %, folic acid – by 10.67 % and almost does not meet the needs of cyanocobalamin – only 0.06 %, calciferol – by 0.04 %, other vitamins.
Conclusion. The developed gerodietetic dry soluble product for enteral nutrition is characterized by increased vitamin value and rather high level of ensuring the gene­ralized daily needs of persons belonging to the older age category in vitamins, in par­ticular with increased physical and emotional loads, diseases and injuries, including somatic, due to the consumption of 100 g of dry soluble product in liquid prepared form.
The prospect of further research is the clinical analysis of vitamins, that are presented in the developed product, metabolic absorption level and a more detailed study of product’s consumer properties.
Keywords: vitamin value, gerodietetic product for enteral nutrition, vitamin enrichment, fat- and water-soluble vitamins, antioxidants, satisfaction level, recom­men­ded daily requirement.


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