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Автор: sveta on . Posted in 2021_03(39)

Cite as APA style citation
Fedorova D., Zykova E. Chouxpastrysemi-finished products with fillings: technology and quality. International scientific-practical journal "Commodities and markets". 2021. N 3. P. 126-140.


UDC 664.647   DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/tr.knute.2021(39)10
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ORCID: 0000-0002-9443-2941
  Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department
of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Yelyzaveta ZYKOVA
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  a master's student of KNUTE, majoring in "Restaurant technologies and business"
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. Theproblem of expanding the range of flour products of high nutritional and biological value for healthy nutrition with the use of new types of protein and mineral supplements, products of complex processing of fish and plant raw materials remains relevant. The development of technology of choux pastry products using dry fish and plant semi-finished product (NRVGL) and carrot filler (CF) is proposed.
The aim of this article is to study the influence of dry fish and plant semi-finished products on the structural and mechanical properties and quality indicators of choux pastry products, to justify the rational recipe composition and to determine the nutritional value of choux pastry semi-finished products using NRVGL and CF.
Materials and methods. The semi-finished fish and plant semi-finished product from hydrolyzed fish heads with wheat bran and flax seed fiber (NRVGL), which is made from dry fish and plant semi-finished products (SRRN) according to the TU U 10.2-40220843-003: 2016; boiled carrot puree with a dry matter content of 10 %; model sys­tems and baked semi-finished products from choux pastryis explored.
Organoleptic indicators of baked products were evaluated according to DSTU 4683: 2006 [12]. Viscosity was measured on a rotary viscometer VPN-0.2, the total mois­ture content was determined by drying to constant weight, ash 
 by burning a sample with calcination of the mineral residue in a muffle furnace, fat – by extraction-weight method, protein – by modified Kieldal method according to GOST 7636–85, mass fraction of car­bohydrates – by the calculation method, mineral composition – on the atomic absorption spectrophotometer AAS-30.
ResultsThe influence of dry and hydrated fish and plant semi-finished products on the structural and mechanical, functional technological and organoleptic properties of model systems from choux pastrydough has been established by experimental methods. It was found that the use of hydrated in milk NRVGL during brewing flour improves the techno­logical properties of choux pastry dough. The influence of CF on the structure of choux pastrydough and the quality of baked semi-finished products with NRVGL has been studied. The mechanism of action of these additives is studied, the stage of their intro­duction and rational mass fraction in the choux pastrysystem are substantiated.
It is established that when using 20 % NRVGL from flour weight and 10 % CF from the mass of egg mix during the brewing of flour, the necessary plasticization of the dough structure is achieved. At the same time there is an improvement of organoleptic characteristics and quality indicators of products. Custard semi-finished products contain­ning NRVGL and CF contain 15.1 % less fat, their nutrient composition improves, in particular, the content of Calcium, Phosphorus, fiber, easily hydrolyzed polysaccharides and soluble pectin substances increases compared to the control.
Conclusion. The complex of experimental researches enabled the development of the recipe composition and technology of production of baked choux pastrysemi-finished products with the use of dry fish and plant semi-finished product NRVGL and carrot filler.
Choux pastrysemi-finished product is recommended for using in the production of culinary products with improved nutrient composition – profiteroles, filled with pate and fish paste, which are served as cold or banquet snacks.
Keywords: fish and plant semi-finished products, choux pastry, carrot filling, baked choux pastry semi-finished products, structural and mechanical properties, organo­leptic properties, minerals, Calcium.


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