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Kijko V., Janchyk M., Bozhko A. Haljal’ni ta kosherni harchovi produkty: vyrobnyctvo i sertyfikacija. Mizhnarodnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal "Tovary i rynky". 2022. № 1 (41). S. 30-45. https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2022(41)03
Problem. The requirements for Halal and Kosher products are not set at a single international level. Therefore, the coverage and analysis of the peculiarities of production and certification of halal and kosher food products, as well as the analysis and systematization of the regulatory framework governing these issues are relevant for producers and other stakeholders.
The aim of the article is to systematize the regulatory and legal requirements for the production and certification of Halal and Kosher food products to increase the export potential of domestic producers and strengthen their competitive positions in foreign markets.
Methods. In the course of the research, scientific publications were processed and statistical information was acquainted.
Results. Halal regional standards(approved by the Institute of Standards and Metrology of Islamic Countries in force in the Eurasian Union and the Persian Gulf region) and international standards(national standards of the UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia and Codex Alimentaris) are considered. Halal and kosher certification algorithms in Ukraine are described. The list of certified market operators according to Halal and Kosher requirements is given.
Conclusions. Demand for kosher and halal products shows the dynamics of growth and is formed regardless of religion and nationality of consumers, as modern buyersare convinced that such productsare better and more useful. Certification opens new opportunities for manufacturers and provides a number of benefits. First of all, such a certificate is a guarantee of high quality, the ability to expand the market and recognition at the international level, compliance with new fashion trends and healthy eating.
Keywords: halal, kosher, certification, legal requirements
Kijko V., Janchyk M., Bozhko A. Haljal’ni ta kosherni harchovi produkty: vyrobnyctvo i sertyfikacija. Mizhnarodnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal "Tovary i rynky". 2022. № 1 (41). S. 30-45. https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2022(41)03
UDC 664:[658.8:006.015.2 | ||
JEL Classification: D40, Q10, Q17 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2022(41)03 |
Victoriia KIIKO victoriya_kiyko@ukr.net ORCID: 0000-0002-1078-5863 |
PhD(Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Food Expertise of the National University of Food Technologies 68, Volodymyrska St., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine |
Mariia YANCHYK mariia_ianchyk@ukr.net ORCID: 0000-0003-3675-6611 |
PhD(Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Food Expertise of the National University of Food Technologies 68, Volodymyrska St., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine |
Anastasiia BOZHKO Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0002-5267-2023 |
Bachelor in specialty "Food Technologies" National University of Food Technologies 68, Volodymyrska St., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine |
Introduction. The development of the market for kosher and halal products is of great interest both for producers in the country and globally. Consumers of such products are not only those who adhere to the postulates of the Torah or Sharia Laws, but also representatives of other denominations, for whom the sign "kosher" and "halal" symbolizes the highest quality and safety.Problem. The requirements for Halal and Kosher products are not set at a single international level. Therefore, the coverage and analysis of the peculiarities of production and certification of halal and kosher food products, as well as the analysis and systematization of the regulatory framework governing these issues are relevant for producers and other stakeholders.
The aim of the article is to systematize the regulatory and legal requirements for the production and certification of Halal and Kosher food products to increase the export potential of domestic producers and strengthen their competitive positions in foreign markets.
Methods. In the course of the research, scientific publications were processed and statistical information was acquainted.
Results. Halal regional standards(approved by the Institute of Standards and Metrology of Islamic Countries in force in the Eurasian Union and the Persian Gulf region) and international standards(national standards of the UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia and Codex Alimentaris) are considered. Halal and kosher certification algorithms in Ukraine are described. The list of certified market operators according to Halal and Kosher requirements is given.
Conclusions. Demand for kosher and halal products shows the dynamics of growth and is formed regardless of religion and nationality of consumers, as modern buyersare convinced that such productsare better and more useful. Certification opens new opportunities for manufacturers and provides a number of benefits. First of all, such a certificate is a guarantee of high quality, the ability to expand the market and recognition at the international level, compliance with new fashion trends and healthy eating.
Keywords: halal, kosher, certification, legal requirements
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