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Ryzhakov Je., Mel’nykovych O. Klasyfikacija reklamnogo kontentu v rytejli. Mizhnarodnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal "Tovary i rynky". 2022. № 1 (41). S. 56-68.
Problem. There are a large number of types of advertising audio content and promotion of goods of retailers among potential and existing consumers. But there is no general classification that summarizes all types of advertising audio content. Such a classification is useful not only from a scientific but also from practical point of view.
The aim of the article isto determine the essence of advertising audio content, to develop its classification and to analyze the prospects for its development.
Methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, grouping and comparison were applied in the article.
Results. The proposed definitions and classification of advertising audio content that corresponds to modern realities are the result of the study. The classification of advertising audio content allows retailers to navigate quickly and efficiently among the types of advertising and choose the most appropriate for the tasks set in the marketing strategy. The article presents the features and formats for each type of advertising audio content.
Conclusions. Advertising audio content should be considered a paid form of informational impact on the consumer through audio recording in order to promote a particular product, service or an enterprise brand. It can be broadcast in shopping malls, public places, on the radio, on music and radio listening sites on the Internet, in mobile applications, on television, podcasts, in audio books, social networks. The authors offer classification features of advertising audio content by broadcasting methods, places of perception, performed functions, by the degree of modernity, by the frequency of broadcasting.
Keywords: advertising audio content, classification of audio advertising, podcasts, radio advertising, digital audio advertising, online advertising.
Ryzhakov Je., Mel’nykovych O. Klasyfikacija reklamnogo kontentu v rytejli. Mizhnarodnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal "Tovary i rynky". 2022. № 1 (41). S. 56-68.
UDC 007:659.118 | ||
JEL Classification M37 | DOI: |
Yevhen RYZHAKOV Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0003-1017-1586 |
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Marketing State University of Trade and Economics 19, Kyoto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine |
Olena MELNYKOVYCH Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0001-8531-8509 |
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor at the Department of Journalism and Advertising State University of Trade and Economics 19, Kyoto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine |
Introduction. Audio advertising content is one of the most important means of marketing communications in retail. It helps consumers to learn about the seller, range and characteristics of goods, discounts, promotions and other offers, while advertisers provide better interaction with customers, maintaining loyalty and expanding their loyalty thanks to potential customers.Problem. There are a large number of types of advertising audio content and promotion of goods of retailers among potential and existing consumers. But there is no general classification that summarizes all types of advertising audio content. Such a classification is useful not only from a scientific but also from practical point of view.
The aim of the article isto determine the essence of advertising audio content, to develop its classification and to analyze the prospects for its development.
Methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, grouping and comparison were applied in the article.
Results. The proposed definitions and classification of advertising audio content that corresponds to modern realities are the result of the study. The classification of advertising audio content allows retailers to navigate quickly and efficiently among the types of advertising and choose the most appropriate for the tasks set in the marketing strategy. The article presents the features and formats for each type of advertising audio content.
Conclusions. Advertising audio content should be considered a paid form of informational impact on the consumer through audio recording in order to promote a particular product, service or an enterprise brand. It can be broadcast in shopping malls, public places, on the radio, on music and radio listening sites on the Internet, in mobile applications, on television, podcasts, in audio books, social networks. The authors offer classification features of advertising audio content by broadcasting methods, places of perception, performed functions, by the degree of modernity, by the frequency of broadcasting.
Keywords: advertising audio content, classification of audio advertising, podcasts, radio advertising, digital audio advertising, online advertising.
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