UDC 641.528.6:641.8-035.575.6
assistance lecturer,
KyivNational Universityof Trade and Economics
KyivNational Universityof Trade and Economics
This article is devoted to scientific substantiation of innovative approaches to development and implementation into the structure of nutrition the balanced diet food by producing frozen jellied freshwater fish with the addition of vegetable additives and sea weeds.
Analysis of the functional-technological properties of natural origin hydrocolloids revealed the feasibility and appropriateness of their application for the production of the frozen jellied foods. This is due to the ability of hydrocolloids to gelation, reducing the risk of syneresis, increasing water-retaining capacity and resistance to low-temperature influence, adsorption of toxic substances, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With the use of mathematical modeling there have been developed nutritional stabilizing mixture from guar gum and kappa-carrageenan – gelling component of the frozen jellied fish. It has been scientifically substantiated and experimental confirmed that the use of 2% mixture helps to form and maintain clear, elastic and gelatinous texture filling during low-temperature storage without incurring syneresis.
Design of frozen jellied foods model composition was carried out by using the principles of food combinatorics and nutritionists current requirements, using the methods of mathematical modeling and sensory analysis. Statistical processing of the experimental values determined optimum content of prescription ingredients: fish – 40 %, filling – 51 %, vegetable additives – 7 %, seaweed – 2 %. Generalization of the results enabled to substantiate and develope frozen jellied freshwater fish technological scheme with the addition of vegetable additives and sea weeds. The main ingredients are carp, which was caught in autumn, extra - berries and cranberry juice, onion juice and spring onions, root vegetables, carrots and beets juice, seaweed.
Fish raw was sorted, operated, washed, cut into pieces and thermally treated. Vegetable raw was washed, peeled and chopped. Juices were obtained by spinning chopped plant material, followed by filtration. Gravy was prepared on the base of fish broth and spices, in which designed mixture of hydrocolloids served as stabilizing component. The finished products were frozen with the use of temperature below –35 °C and stored in a freezer at –25 ± 2 °C for three months.
Experimental research results proved the microbiological and toxicological safety of the new products, high nutritional and biological value which was formed thanks to the balanced amino and fatty acid composition, optimized vitamin and mineral composition, elastic consistency.
The utilitarian coefficient of amino acid composition of frozen jellied foods proteins (0.61–0.62) and the coefficient of redundancy (0.21–0.23 %) characterizes amino acids balance, the completeness of their assimilation by the human body through the rational combination of fish and plant material. Fatty acid composition of filler fish lipids can be characterized by high content of linolenic (9.67–9.7 %), linoleic (6.3–6.4 %) and arachidonic fatty acids (3.3–3.4 %), high coefficient of efficiency of lipid (0.79–0.80).
There has been defined high degree of preservation of essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, niacin, riboflavin, tocopherols of frozen jellied fish during low temperature storage.
Thus, the production of the frozen jellied fish products combining freshwater fish and vegetable additives with the addition of stabilizators to consistency of hydrocolloids will assist providing the population with valuable long storage products with the high degree of satisfaction of physiological necessities of human organism in essential biologically active substances.
Key words: freshwater fish, vegetable additives, hydrocolloids, biological value, frozen jellied freshwater fish.
assistance lecturer,
KyivNational Universityof Trade and Economics
KyivNational Universityof Trade and Economics
This article is devoted to scientific substantiation of innovative approaches to development and implementation into the structure of nutrition the balanced diet food by producing frozen jellied freshwater fish with the addition of vegetable additives and sea weeds.
Analysis of the functional-technological properties of natural origin hydrocolloids revealed the feasibility and appropriateness of their application for the production of the frozen jellied foods. This is due to the ability of hydrocolloids to gelation, reducing the risk of syneresis, increasing water-retaining capacity and resistance to low-temperature influence, adsorption of toxic substances, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With the use of mathematical modeling there have been developed nutritional stabilizing mixture from guar gum and kappa-carrageenan – gelling component of the frozen jellied fish. It has been scientifically substantiated and experimental confirmed that the use of 2% mixture helps to form and maintain clear, elastic and gelatinous texture filling during low-temperature storage without incurring syneresis.
Design of frozen jellied foods model composition was carried out by using the principles of food combinatorics and nutritionists current requirements, using the methods of mathematical modeling and sensory analysis. Statistical processing of the experimental values determined optimum content of prescription ingredients: fish – 40 %, filling – 51 %, vegetable additives – 7 %, seaweed – 2 %. Generalization of the results enabled to substantiate and develope frozen jellied freshwater fish technological scheme with the addition of vegetable additives and sea weeds. The main ingredients are carp, which was caught in autumn, extra - berries and cranberry juice, onion juice and spring onions, root vegetables, carrots and beets juice, seaweed.
Fish raw was sorted, operated, washed, cut into pieces and thermally treated. Vegetable raw was washed, peeled and chopped. Juices were obtained by spinning chopped plant material, followed by filtration. Gravy was prepared on the base of fish broth and spices, in which designed mixture of hydrocolloids served as stabilizing component. The finished products were frozen with the use of temperature below –35 °C and stored in a freezer at –25 ± 2 °C for three months.
Experimental research results proved the microbiological and toxicological safety of the new products, high nutritional and biological value which was formed thanks to the balanced amino and fatty acid composition, optimized vitamin and mineral composition, elastic consistency.
The utilitarian coefficient of amino acid composition of frozen jellied foods proteins (0.61–0.62) and the coefficient of redundancy (0.21–0.23 %) characterizes amino acids balance, the completeness of their assimilation by the human body through the rational combination of fish and plant material. Fatty acid composition of filler fish lipids can be characterized by high content of linolenic (9.67–9.7 %), linoleic (6.3–6.4 %) and arachidonic fatty acids (3.3–3.4 %), high coefficient of efficiency of lipid (0.79–0.80).
There has been defined high degree of preservation of essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, niacin, riboflavin, tocopherols of frozen jellied fish during low temperature storage.
Thus, the production of the frozen jellied fish products combining freshwater fish and vegetable additives with the addition of stabilizators to consistency of hydrocolloids will assist providing the population with valuable long storage products with the high degree of satisfaction of physiological necessities of human organism in essential biologically active substances.
Key words: freshwater fish, vegetable additives, hydrocolloids, biological value, frozen jellied freshwater fish.