Written by Редактор on . Posted in EN

THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL JOURNAL "COMMODITIES AND MARKETS" is enlisted into the scientific professional publications of Ukraine in technical sciences, it is published 4 times a year.
Journals accept scientific articles, which have never been published earlier and are not intended to the simultaneous publication in other editions. The volume of the article is 8–16 pages. The number of co-authors is no more than three. The articles are published in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Post graduates and aspirants must coordinate their manuscripts with their supervisors.
The article should be structured in accordance with the following standard scheme:
- the code of Universal decimal classifications (UDC);
- name and surname of author – in Ukrainian, Russian and English;
- the title of the article – in Ukrainian, Russian and English;
- the reference of the article – in Ukrainian and Russian in 5–7;
- the text is structured into the sections:
 - identifying a problem in general, its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
 - analysis of the recent researches and publications;
 - highlighting unsolved before parts of the general problem, which the article is dedicated to;
 - defining the aim of the article (the tasks)
Material and methods.
Results – presentation of the main material with the full substantiation of the scientific results received.
Conclusion – conclusion of the research and the prospects of the further studies in this direction.
- the reference list is written according to the DSTU (National Standards of Ukraine) GOST  (Government Standard) 7.1:2006  and is given after the text. The references in the text are given in order of appearance in brackets with the number of a reference source in the list, using comma before page number: [1, p. 243]. If an author refers to the whole book only the number of it is stated – [2]. Reference to some sources is written in such a way: [3, p. 28; 4, p. 63–65] or [1–5]. 
- extended author’s resume of the article in Ukrainian and English in the structure of the article up to 250 words (25 lines)
- author's information: surname, name, patronymic (in full); full place of work and position; academic status, scientific degree; numbers of contact phones, e-mail.
Articles should be typed in one file in Microsoft Word (type Times New Roman), the size – 13, an interval – 1.5 ,formulas in formular editor MS Equation, pages must be numbered), in one copy, on a sheet of paper of format А4, all margins – 20 mm.
Citations, the statistical data etc. should be presented with reference to the source. Figures, schedules and tables should have numbering and the title. They need to be carried out in book orientation, in black and white. Illustrating material should be placed under the text, where there’s the first reference to it, or on the next page. Schedules are given additionally in a separate file in Microsoft EXCEL.
Formulas need to be separated with one line from the rest of the text, centered, numbered in parentheses, leveled to the right margin of the text. Physical values should be presented in terms of Systéme International (SI).
Numbers with decimal fractions should be presented in such way – 2.5; 548.4 etc.
Scanned material is not excepted.
The date of the article submission is considered to be the day of receipt to the edition, in case of revision - the day of the receipt of the revised text.
The Editorial Board makes decisions concerning the publication of articles. The authoritative scientists and experts are involved in editing articles. The title and the text of articles can be corrected by Editorial Board without the coordination with the author.
Articles that are rejected by the Editorial Board are not returned to authors.
Articles prepared without taking into account the above-presented requirements are not considered.

The electronic variant of the article is submitted on a CD-R disk or sent by e-mail 
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