UDC 338.439:339.138
postgraduate of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Background. In Ukraine, the development of organic production in the agrifood system is promising, one of the important conditions for the efficient formation of the domestic market for organic products is to have a steady and reliable source of marketing sales of these products.
Material and methods. The basis of the methodological basis of research laid the dialectical method of cognition, systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena, proceedings domestic and foreign scholars.
Results. As world practice shows, the main marketing channels of sales of organic food are the next: direct sales from producer to consumer through markets or shops that belong to manufacturer, specialized shops and supermarkets. Each of the channels has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, all of these factors the maker necessarily takes into account when making the marketing activities and considers the impact of motivational factors on the consumer, in making the process of buying his product.
Activation of supply of organic products in agrifood commodity market requires the introduction of appropriate marketing strategies for its marketing.
We offer a combination of several strategies for the agricultural sector entities that differ in production of specialization producers of organic plant products: competitive strategy, innovation strategy, a strategy of immediate response to market needs, producers of organic animal products; competitive strategy of market segmentation, product differentiation strategy.
Conclusion. For the future development of the domestic market for organic products it is necessary to imply the balanced distribution channels and choose appropriate marketing strategies for different product groups.
Keywords: organic products, organic products sales channels, marketing strategies, marketing activities.
postgraduate of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Background. In Ukraine, the development of organic production in the agrifood system is promising, one of the important conditions for the efficient formation of the domestic market for organic products is to have a steady and reliable source of marketing sales of these products.
Material and methods. The basis of the methodological basis of research laid the dialectical method of cognition, systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena, proceedings domestic and foreign scholars.
Results. As world practice shows, the main marketing channels of sales of organic food are the next: direct sales from producer to consumer through markets or shops that belong to manufacturer, specialized shops and supermarkets. Each of the channels has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, all of these factors the maker necessarily takes into account when making the marketing activities and considers the impact of motivational factors on the consumer, in making the process of buying his product.
Activation of supply of organic products in agrifood commodity market requires the introduction of appropriate marketing strategies for its marketing.
We offer a combination of several strategies for the agricultural sector entities that differ in production of specialization producers of organic plant products: competitive strategy, innovation strategy, a strategy of immediate response to market needs, producers of organic animal products; competitive strategy of market segmentation, product differentiation strategy.
Conclusion. For the future development of the domestic market for organic products it is necessary to imply the balanced distribution channels and choose appropriate marketing strategies for different product groups.
Keywords: organic products, organic products sales channels, marketing strategies, marketing activities.