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UDC 637.524.2   DOI:
Liudmyla PESHUK,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0967-8892
  Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture), Professor, Professor at the Department of Technology
of Meat and Meat Products, National University of Food Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
Olexandr HORBACH,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-7777-2813
  Postgraduate student at the Department of Technology of Meat
and Meat Products, National University of Food Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
Larysa VOVK,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-7529-2437
  Teacher of the first category, teacher of economic disciplines of Technology
and Economic College of Bilotserkivsky National Agrarian University
21/2, Yaroslav the Wise str., Bila Tserkva, 09117, Ukraine


Background. In order to improve the quality of sausage products, the part of the main meat raw material (beef, pork, poultry, etc.) during their manufacture is replaced by additivesor fillers of plant or animal origin, and the qualimetric method makes it possible to evaluate the quality product objectively and comprehensively.
The aim of the research is a comprehensive assessment of the quality of cooked sausage samples with the replacement of the main raw material by the protein-hydrocarbon-mineral additive "Record-75" with the use of qualimetric method.
Materials and methodsThe research objects are boiled sausages (cooked sausages) in which 10 % of meat raw material is replaced by protein-hydrocarbon-mineral additive. For control "Stolova" boiled sausage and "Do Snidanku" sausages are taken which are made on the basis of meat raw materials only according to DSTU 4529:2006.
The quality evaluation of the studied products was carried out using a qualitometric method, which includes the assessment of four groups of indicators: physico-chemical, microbiological, energy value and organoleptic properties. The final result of a product qualitative evaluation is obtained on the basis of the relative values of individual indicators taking into account the weight coefficients.
ResultsDuring the tasting evaluation, there was an improvement in taste, smell, juiciness and appearance in the developed samples with the replacement of meat PVMS. The protein content was also higher at 0.3 and 4.0 % compared with control variants. During the storage period, the number of microorganisms (MAFAnM) increased, but did not exceed the norm established by the standard. There are no bacteria in the group of intestinal sticks detected in the products.
In accordance with the qualitometric assessment of the quality the new types of product are "Kuriacha" boiled sausage and "Videnski" sausages with PVMS for organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological indicators and nutritional value have the value of the quality level K0 =1.1, which is close to the formula for healthy eating and can be recommended for use in a balanced diet.
ConclusionThe evaluation carried out with the use of qualimetric method, makesit possible to evaluate the quality of boiled sausage objectively and comprehensively. The replacement of a part of the meat raw material by the protein-hydrocarbon-mineral additive (supplement) "Record-75" has a positive effect on the complex index of sausage products quality and is recommended for implementation into production.
Keywords: boiled sausage, sausages, protein, protein-carbohydrate-mineral additive, quality.


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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2019_01(29)


UDC 664.664   DOI:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6997-2081
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate professor at the Department of technology of bakery
and confectionery products, National University of Food Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-9448-9956
  Postgraduate student at the Department of technology of bakery
and confectionery products, National University of Food Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine


Background. Currently, the problem of creating gluten-free dietary products is relevant. An increase in the number of patients with celiac disease is forcing scientists to expand their diet, in which bread is the most important. The recipe of the developed types of bread includes different types of starches and gluten-free types of flour.
Improvement of the quality of gluten-free bread is possible through the use of semi-finished products – acid oxidants.
The aim of research is proving the feasibility of using spontaneous fermentation leaven from cereal flour in the technology of gluten-free bread.
Materials and methods. The study of fermentation from flour of cereals gluten-free cultures – rice, buckwheat and corn is conducted. The quality of test laboratory baking of ready-made gluten-free bread with the addition of investigated ferments is evaluated. Well-known methods of quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, using relevant literature and normative and technical documentation, are used.
Results. Sourdoughs are prepared by spontaneous fermentation of a cereals flour mixture and water, at a temperature of 30–32 °C. The dilution cycle lasted 72 hours. The renewal cycle consists in adding a flour nutrient mixture and water every 24 hours. The composition of the microflora of the leaven changed after the fifth renewal, which meant its readiness for use in the production cycle of gluten-free bread preparation. Humidity of leaven was 59–60 %. The highest acidity is found in buckwheat leaven – 18.2 degrees, the lowest is corn (10.5 degrees). The activity of the ICD was 92 and 118 deg. accordingly.
By analyzing the microflora of the prepared leaven it is established that it is represented by a wide range of microorganisms of different taxonomic groups, among which the lactic acid bacteria of genera Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Enterococcus and Leuconostoc dominate.
When carrying out a test laboratory baking with leaven, 10 % of flour was added in the dough, according to the formulation. The control sample is dough without leaven. It was established that the addition of leaven from cereals flour contributes to an increase in acidity by 0.8–1.0 deg., and the duration of standing out of dough half-finished products is reduced by 10–15 minutes in comparison with the control. Bread with leaven has an elastic bread crumb with uniform porosity, has brightly expressed taste and aroma, the greater volume by 6–12 %, the best porosity indicator than the control sample.
Conclusion. The efficiency of the use of spontaneous fermentation leaven from corn, buckwheat and rice flour in the technology of gluten-free bread has been proved. These leavenings intensify the accumulation of acids in the dough and accelerate the processes of its maturation. As a result of vital activity of lactic acid bacteria, ready-made bread has a brightly expressed taste and aroma, and has a positive effect on the bread volume and its porosity.
Keywords: celiac disease, gluten free bread, cereal flour, chemical composition, spontaneous fermentation leaven, quality indicators, intensification of processes.


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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2019_01(29)


UDC 641.45:[664.641.2+639.64   DOI:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4629-3403
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Technology
and Organization of Restaurant Business, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. The iodine deficiency is directly related to nutrition, with insufficientuse of iodine-containing products and protein. In order to reduce the deficit of macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, food fibers in diets of the population, seaweeds and products of their processing are becoming increasingly used, the composition of which is due to the high content of polysaccharides and organic iodine.
The aim of the work is to substantiate the recipe, to develop the technology of dessert "Oksamyt" with an improved nutritional composition and study the quality of the developed product.
Materials and methods. The object of the study is to improve the technology of dessert using spelt flour, pectin-zosterine and dried cystosyra. The content of mineral substances is determined by the atomic absorption method on a spectrophotometer Techtron-AA-4 (Austria), Iodine – by inversion voltammetry method.
The scale of the 5-point assessment for the determination of the organoleptic parameters of all three components of the dessert "Oksamyt": a biscuit basis with spelt flour, a layer of berry with the use of pectin-zosterine and a powder of cystosyra and cream on the basis of sour milk cheese.
Results. In the first stage, a biscuit base for flavored spelt desserts was made. When working out technology of layer of mashed berry from black currant and blackberries the need to introduce pectin-zosterin into its composition for the purpose of additional thickening and stabilization of the structure has proved. The choice of berry raw material is due to its chemical composition.
Experimental researches have determined the rational concentration of pectin-zosterin for the berry layer "Blackberry – currant" with a dense gelly-like structure – 1.2 % of the total weight of raw materials for filling. The technology of filling production involves the preparation of raw materials (sorting, washing), grinding on the sieve, boiling down puree with sugar to the content of dry matter 32–34 %, adding pectin-zosterin and boiling for 30 seconds.
To increase the content of micronutrients, in particular, iodine and selenium, the administration of 1.0 % of cystosyroid powder per 100 g of berry layer is proposed. Cystosyroid powder is added after boiling down of the berry mass, since heat treatment negatively affects the content of iodine and its main synergists. The dessert "Oksamyt" includes 30 grams of berry layer.
To improve the nutritional value, taste and appearance of the dessert, it is decided to use a cream based on sour milk cheese and yogurt.
The formation of dessert is carried out using a metal ring, the bottom of which is laid out with a food film, and the boards – an acetate (or curb) tape. Preparation of dessert takes place in several stages, in particular: the baking of a biscuit base and settling up for 8 hours, preparation of a marshmallow and cream of sour milk cheese and yogurt.
Adding the proposed additives to the dessert "Oksamyt" made it possible to increase all investigated minerals. The content of Iodine and Selenium in dessert (by 120 g) increased by 6.9 and 3.3 times, respectively. An increase in the content of Zinc, Magnesium, Ferum and Phosphorus was almost 87, 78, 35 and 32 % respectively. Potassium has grown by a quarter, and Calcium is the least, by 11.5 %.
The main achievement of the developed dessert "Oksamyt" is the increase in the satisfaction of daily needs in Selenium and Iodine in accordance with 51 and 38 %.
Conclusion. The "Oksamyt" dessert takes into account the current trends, combining the baked basis, the fruit-berry layer and the cream based on sour-milk products. It is characterized by excellent taste and usefulness, as it provides a diet of consumers with mineral substances.
Keywords: dessert, spelt flour, sponge cake, black currant, blackberry, cystosyra, microelementosis.


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UDC 641.1:[637.56:639.231   DOI:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1804-1225
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Professor at the Department of Commodity Science,
Safety and Quality Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Svitlana SHAPOVAL,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7650-8597
  Vice rector on scientific and pedagogical work, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering and Technical Disciplines,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. Structural-mechanical properties, along with the organoleptic and physical-chemical, are an essential criterion for choosing products by consumers. However, structural, mechanical, physical-chemical and organoleptic properties do not remain stable throughout the shelf life, in particular for fish preserves.
The dynamics of the rheological properties of fish preserves depends on chemical changes, and indirectly indicates their intensity, what can be used in developing new express methods for analyzing individual fish quality parameters through the establishment of rheological characteristics and correlation dependencies.
The aim of researches – determination of the dynamics of structural and mechanical parameters of preserves from freshwater (grass carp and silver carp) and sea (herring) fish during storage and determination of influence of their general chemical composition, fractions of fish preserves fat on structural and mechanical properties.
Materials and methods. Research objects – fish preserves are made according to technological instructions: sample 1 – from herring; sample 2 – from grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idella) with barberry; sample 3 – from the silver carp (hypophthalmichthys) with vegetables. Each sample is selected for 40 pieces of fillet. The shelf life of preserves is 5–45 days.
The structural-mechanical properties are determined on the multifunctional measuring complex MIG-1.4 by the Reology module. The fractional composition of lipids of fish preserves was carried out by thin-layer chromatography; moisture content was determined by drying method, fat by the Soxhlet method, protein content (total nitrogen) by Kjeldahl method, mineral elements by X-ray fluorescence analysis on ElvaX-Med.
Results. The protein content of preservative samples ranges from 11.9 to 10.9 %. After 45 days of storage, it decreases, as there is partial denaturation of proteins and the appearance of amino acids. The moisture content is increased somewhat in finished preserves. These changes affect the structural and mechanical properties, in particular, the consistency that becomes softer during the shelf life of preserves.
The dynamics of reducing the strength of the surface of preserves is established. The reduction in the structure's strength in herring preserves is faster by 28.3 % than in grass carp preserves and 31.6 % faster than in silver carp preserves.
After storage, there were slight changes in the index of active acidity in all samples of preserves. The pH of samples studied with berries and vegetables after 45 days of storage increased only by 0.28–0.33, and the pH of the sample with herring was 0.5, indicating the stability of preserves for storage.
The correlation coefficient between the indicator of active acidity and the strength limit of the sample surface of herring preserves is –0.72; for preserves from the silver carp –0.65; from the grass carp –0.68. Relatively small values of the relaxation effort for preserves from freshwater fish indicate the expediency of their storage only in solid containers.
Conclusion. According to the analysis of the general chemical composition of fish preserves, it has been established that decreasing the protein content and increasing the moisture content during storage affects the consistency, which becomes softer. Changes in the fatty acid composition of preserves during storage are negligible and due to the hydrolysis of lipids.
According to the results of research of structural and mechanical parameters of fish preserves, it was established that the surface strength of samples of preserves from grass carp and silver carp decreases by 17.6 and 18.3 % faster than the strength of preserves from herring.
The inverse correlation dependence between the structural-mechanical properties and the active acidity of the preserves is observed.
It is established that the dynamics of structural and mechanical properties of preserves from freshwater fish is significantly different from the change in the relaxation force of preserves from herring. Therefore, preserves from freshwater fish are best kept in solid containers.
Keywords: preserves, silver carp, herring, structural and mechanical properties, fractional fat composition, relaxation effort, penetration.

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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2019_01(29)


UDC 658.562:635.256]:664.8.03   DOI:
Svitlana BELINSKA,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4797-6505
  Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor at the Department of Commodity Science,
Safety and Quality Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2193-8167
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, 
Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety
and Quality Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Stanislava LEVYTSKA,
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ORCID: 0000-0003-4098-000Х
  PhD in Technical Sciences,
Deputy Director of  "S.A.F. Farma" LLC,
7A, avenue Sobornosti, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Background. One of the determining factors that affects the quality preservation of fruits and vegetables, is the storage temperature. The speed of the flow of physical, microbiological, and biochemical processes that occur in vegetables during storage depends on it. The study of changes in the quality of fresh vegetables at different temperatures to establish the optimal storage time is actual.
The aim of the articleis to analyze the dynamics of broccoli quality, sorts, zoned in Ukraine, suitable for cultivation in zones of forest-Steppe, Steppe and Polissya, and to establish the optimum time of storage before processing.
Materials and methods. A research object is a cabbage broccoli of botanical sorts of Partenon, Belstar F1, Monaco F1, Quint F1 of harvest 2015–2017, grown on agricultural lands of LTD "АRTI" (Kharkiv).
The complex estimation of quality of cabbage broccoli is calculated by the method of multicriterion optimization. Organoleptical estimation (original appearance, taste, smell, colouring) is conducted on the worked out 5-ball scale.
The construction of prognosis model, calculation of the coefficient of determination, error of model and statistical criterion of Fisher, is carried out in the environment of Excel.
The complex estimation of quality of cabbage broccoli on the оrganoleptical (original appearance, taste, smell, colouring) and physical and chemical (breathing intensity, mass fraction of moisture, soluble dry substance, general sugar, mass fraction of protein, titrated acids, content of ascorbic acid, activity of polyphenol oxidase and ascorbate oxidase, content of isothiocyanates, chlorophyll) indexes of quality is calculated by the method of multicriterion optimization. Study is undertaken in a middle test in a fresh-cut cabbage and during 5, 10, 15, 20 days storage at a temperature 18–20 ± 2 °C and relative humidity of air 75 %. Changes of quality of cabbage broccoli during storage are defined by the generalized function of desirability of Harrington. Indexes that most influence on quality of cabbage broccoli during storage are defined by the method of cross-correlation-regressive analysis.
Results. The first grade of cabbage broccoli sort of Partenon is confirmed by such indexes: a tasting estimation is 4.81 points, mass fraction of moisture is a 87.42 %, content of SSR – 9.3 %, general sugar – 3.43 %, mass fraction of protein is 3.97 %, titratedacids – 0.39 %, content of ascorbic acid is 116.4 mgs/100 gs, activity of а ascorbate oxidase – 1.5 mkmol of the ascorbic acid oxidized after 60 с, activity of polyphenol oxidase – 16.7 mkmol of the ascorbic acid oxidized after 60 с, content of isothiocyanates – 0.59 mg/100 g, content of chlorophyll – 49.0 mg/100 g. The most substantial factors of influence on the value of objective function: breathing intensity, tasting estimation, soluble dry substance, titrated acids, general sugar and ascorbic acid appeared. Exactly these factors are selected for the further estimation of cabbage broccoli sorts preservation by the function of desirability of Harrington. All fresh-cut sorts of cabbage have good quality (the generalized review varies from 0.671 to 0.718). However only the sort of Partenon keeps it during 5 days in the marked terms. The level of quality of all other sorts at their storage during 5 days goes down to satisfactory (the generalized index from 0.493 to 0.536).
Conclusion. The maximum shelf life of Parthenon broccoli cabbage with a guaranteed high quality is 5 days. Quality of other investigational sorts of Belstar F1, Monaco F1 and Quint F1 at storage goes down substantially.
The obtained results of researches can be useful to the workers of vegetable processing industry of food industry at determination of priority of processing of cabbage broccoli taking into account technical capabilities of domestic enterprises and mass character of harvest.
Keywords: cabbage broccoli, multicriteria optimization, Harrington's desirable function, correlation coefficient, quality indices.


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