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UDC 637.524.034   DOI:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0001-9995-2025
  Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Commodity Studies, Expertise and Trade Business of the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
87, Soborna str., Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine
Tetiana SEMKO,
E-mail: Semko1965@u.krnet
ORCID: 0000-0002-1951-5384
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Affairs of the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
87, Soborna str., Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine


Background. Nitrite is a supplement that improves color and prevents spoilage of finished sausage products, and lowering their dose increases the risk of receiving poor quality products. When matured sausages, from the amino acids are formed primary and secondary amines that react with nitrites, forming nitrosamines, which are toxic to the human body.
Domestic and foreign scholars engaged in research on the production of smoked sausages and in improving their quality and safety indexes.
The aim of the work is to develop a recipe and substantiate the functional purpose of smoked sausages technology using bacterial seed crops and the preparation Nisin.
Materials and methods. The object of the research is the technology of smoked sausage "Osoblyva", which formula introduces the starting cultures of Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus xylosus, Leuconostoc carnosum and nicin instead of sodium nitrite. A cheese-smoked sausage of the highest quality "Moskovskaya" is taken as a control sample.
Physical-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic methods are used in order to determine the quality and safety of research objects in accordance with current standards.
Results. The conducted studies confirm that the used probiotic cultures are sufficiently stable to the salt and meet the technological requirements.
The peculiarities of selected microorganisms development are investigated. The optimum ratio of Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus xylosus, Leuconostoc carnosum microorganisms strains in minced meat was determined 1: 1: 1.
Changes in maturation of the studied samples with cultures were much more effective than in the control. The absence of nitrite in the test samples does not diminish their color, and the additional application of these cultures improves their taste and aromatics.
The made-up smoked sausage "Osoblyva" meets the requirements of the standard for physical, chemical and microbiological indicators. Entered start cultures in the ratio 1:1:1 are present alive. Lactobacillus sakei even at the end of maturation of sausage is recorded in a fairly large quantity (1×109 CFU/g), which has probiotic properties and provides ready-made products of functional orientation.
Conclusion. The production of high-quality smoked sausage without the usage of sodium nitrite with the addition of Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus xylosus, Leuconostoccarnosum microorganisms strains and nisin meets the requirements of quality and safety and enables the expansion of production of food products of a functional purpose.
Keywords: technology, smoked sausages, seed crops, functional purpose, sodium nitrite, microorganisms.


  1. Reglament JeS 178/2002 Pro vstanovlennja zagal'nyh pryncypiv ta vymog zakonodavstva shhodo harchovyh produktiv, stvorennja Jevropejs'kogo organu z bezpechnosti harchovyh produktiv ta vyznachennja procedur z pytan' bezpechnosti harchovyh produktiv [EU regulation 178/2002 On the establishment of the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing a European Food Safety Authority and defining procedures for food safety]. (28.01.2002) [in Ukrainian].
  2. Kuznecova, L. S. (2011). Perspektivnost' ispol'zovanija pishhevogo konservanta v kolbasnom proizvodstve [Perspectives of using food preservative in sausage production]. Mjasnaja industrija – Meat industry, 2, 35-38 [in Russian].
  3. Reglament 854/2004 Pro organizaciju oficijnogo kontrolju produktiv tvarynnogo pohodzhennja, pryznachenyh dlja spozhyvannja ljudynoju [Regulation 854/2004 On the organization of official control of products of animal origin intended for human consumption]. (29.04.2004) [in Ukrainian].
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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2019_02(30)

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UDC 663.916.1   DOI:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1425-563X
  Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department
of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6282-7295
  Postgraduate student at the Department of Technology and Organization
of Restaurant Business of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background.  Demineralized Whey Powder (DWP) is a promising component in the technologies of various types of sugar paste. It balances the nutritional composition of sugar paste and also has a positive effect on structural-mechanical and superficial properties of the food system.
However, the significant increase in the adhesion of food systems is undesirable. It negatively affects the efficiency of equipment usage, leads to increased losses of raw materials and power resources. The adhesiveness of the food system is manifested in its contact with structural materials throughout the process. In view of this, it is advisable to consider the methods of regulating the adhesion and cohesive interaction of sugar paste with DWP, in particular by using glycerol.
The aim of the work is studying the influence of glycerin on the surface and rheological properties of sugar paste with DWP.
Materials and methods. Studying the effect of glycerol on properties of the sugar paste surface with DWP was carried out on a multi-functional measuring device MIG-1.3, by the normal separation method and rheological properties of the samples of sugar paste on a plane parallel plastomer of the Tolstoy modification, based on the determination of the deformation displacement, marked to thickness of the sample. During the investigation of structural and mechanical characteristics of model systems, the fixed load wad provided for all systems containing 65 g, with the same temperature (+6 °C) and height of samples (7 mm).
Results. The possibility to use the glycerine for controlling rheological characteristicsof the sugar paste with milkserum of drydemineralization has investigated. It was established, that by increasing the concentration of glycerol in the composition of sugar paste, the indexes of adhesion, elasticity, and elasticity decrease, the nutritional capacity of the food system increases, which is a positive factor in the formation of finishing half-finished products from this paste. The significant growth of nutritional capacity indicators of the food system leads to weakening of spatial framework and destructing the paste structure. That is why the rationally accepted concentration of glycerol is 5 %, which is also confirmed by organoleptic analysis.
Conclusion. An optimal concentration of glycerolin the composition of sugar pastehas estimated, which allows adjusting the consistency of the finished product and adhesion interaction within the required limits for paste-like finishing semi-finished products.
Keywords: sugar paste with dry demineralized milk whey, glycerol, adhesion interaction, conditional and moment modulus of elasticity, highly elastic modulus, plastic viscosity, the nutritional capacity of the food system, viscosity of the elastic aftereffect.


  1. Kravchenko, M., & Rybchuk, L. (2018). Strukturno-mehanichni vlastyvosti cukrovyh past [Structural and mechanical properties of sugar paste]. Mizhnarodnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal "Tovary i rynky" – International scientific and practical magazine "Commodities and Markets", 3 (27), 77-90 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Kravchenko, M., Shapoval, S., & Rybchuk, L. (2018). Vlastyvosti poverhni cukrovyh past [Properties of sugar paste surface]. Mizhnarodnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal "Tovary i rynky" – International scientific and practical magazine "Commodities and Markets", 4 (28), 124-131 [in Ukrainian].
  3. Cherevko, O. I., Myhajlov, V. M., & Majak, O. A. (2014). Reologija v procesah vyrobnyctva harchovyh produktiv [Rheology in the processes of food production]. Harkiv: HDUHT [in Ukrainian].
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  13. Goral'chuk, A. B., Pyvovarov, P. P., Grynchenko, O. O., Pogozhyh, M. I., Polevych, V. V., & Gurs'kyj, P. V. (2006). Reologichni metody doslidzhennja syrovyny i harchovyh produktiv ta avtomatyzacija rozrahunkiv reologichnyh harakterystyk [Rheological research methods for raw materials and food products and automation of calculations of rheological characteristics]. Harkiv: Harkivs'kyj derzhavnyj universytet harchuvannja ta torgivli [in Ukrainian].


Written by sveta on . Posted in 2019_02(30)

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UDC 005.332.4:664.144   DOI:
Anastasia CHORNA,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6929-3487
  PhD in Technical Sciences, assistant at the Department of Foodstuff  Expertise
of  National University of  Food and Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine
Victoria KALMAZAN,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0195-1484
  Higher education applicant of a master's degree at the Department of Foodstuff Expertise of  National University of  Food and Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  Specialist of the highest category of Smila College of Food Technologies
of  National University of  Food Technologies
123, Family Bobrynsky str., t. Smila, Cherkasy region, 20700, Ukraine


Background. The composition of edible coating is scientifically substantiated and developed. The main advantage of the developed edible film is the composition, which consists exclusively of natural ingredients, that is, the full environmental safety of use both during contact with food and after its use.
The aim of the work is to reconcilethe consumer properties and competitiveness of confectionery products with edible coating compared to traditional packaging.
Materials and methods. The calculation of the complex quality index for each type of product (packing) has been calculated and factors have been characterized to assess the benefits of marshmallows with edible coats compared to those in the polyethylene package; the value of each parameter is determined by the method of pair comparison; the results of the expert survey and its statistical characteristics were given.
Results. Organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of marshmallow in ediblecoating with fruit powders are investigated. A tasting evaluation of samples of marshmallows with edible coat (form, surface, color, structure, taste and smell, consistency, chewiness) was carried out on the basis of the NUTH food testing department, which shows that the developed edible coating does not change its organoleptic parameters. It has been established that the edible coating has barrier properties, as evidenced by the prolonged preservation of marshmallows; therefore it can be an alternative replacement (partial or full) of synthetic packaging.
Determination of the competitiveness of marshmallows in edible packaging in relation to polyethylene packaging was carried out according to consumer parameters (ITP= 0.95), economic (IEP = 0.4) and integral index (kint = 2.3). Thus, k > 1, that is, marshmallow with edible coating is competitive in the food market.
Conclusion. The main factors that make it possible to assess the benefits of the developed edible coating are environmental and organoleptic characteristics of the product. It was established that the complex index of edible quality (3.15) is higher than the index of packing-analogue (polyethylene package) (3.04). As a result of calculations, it was found that the integral index of marshmallows in edible cover is more than 1, which confirms the competitiveness of the release of this product on the market.
Keywords: confectionery, edible coating, consumer properties, analog-product, environmentally friendly type of packaging.


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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2019_02(30)

 Free Full Text (PDF) 

UDC. 663.865:613.3   DOI:
ORCID: 0000-0002-7080-8051
  Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture), Professor at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4000-7314
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, 
Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2943-9124
  Postgraduate student at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. The increasing of psycho-emotional pressure as a result of stress is a typical characteristic of today’s life. It is known that dietary compliance which is able to increase the effectiveness of natural stress-limiting systems is a prerequisite for the prevention and treatment of functional disorders of a stressful origin. Such diet usually includes beverages with the medical herbs in content.
It was investigated that demand for such beverages is not entirely satisfied in Ukrainian market. There are only herbs tea and herbs additives which limits the consumer choice. That is why it stimulates the scientists and producers for developing new types of beverages concentrates.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of developed milk and chicory beverages concentrates on the patients state who has unstable psycho-emotional state and functional disorders of the digestive system by medical testing.
Materials and methods. The research object was developed milk and chicory beverage concentrate Tsykorlakt soothing. The evaluation of the therapy effectiveness was based on the medical observation of influence the developed beverage concentrate for the patients state with the functional disorders of the digestive system with stressful nature, which means who has unstable psycho-emotional state. It was also included a questionnaire by Kulykov L. V. to determine the levels of patients stress and 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring, which allows to estimate the frequency, duration and daily dynamics of gastroesophageal reflux. In addition, the levels of cortisol in the blood were determined as one of the stress markers by the LibraS32PC spectrophotometer.
Results. According to the results of the questionnaire, it was found that after four weeks of treatment for those patients who took as sedative medications the restored beverages concentrates there was not a high level of stress. At the same time, four patients who took herbal tea could not move to a lower level of stress and remained at a high level.
The results of the 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring shows that patients who took restored beverages concentrates of Tsykorlakt soothing duringtherapy have the average changes of medical analysis 21 %, patients who took herbal teas – 12 %. Thereby, the effectiveness of treatment with the help of developed concentrates is 9 % higher compared to the treatment by herbal teas.
The level of cortisol has decreased by 3.75 times and is 255 nmol/l in patients who took developed concentrates of beverages Tsykorlakt soothing and 1.95 times with a level of 489 nmol/l in patients who took herbal teas.
Conclusion. In conclusion, the research confirms that the usage of developed milk and chicory beverages concentrates with antistress action Tsikorlak soothing in complex therapy of physiological disorders of the digestive system for patients with unstable psycho-emotional state contributes to a faster decrease in the acidity and the number of reflux which destroys the mucous membrane of the organs of the digestive system, exhibit anti-inflammatory effects and have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system.
Keywords: physiologically functional beverages, milk and chicory beverages concentrates, chicory, milk powder, medicinal herbs, stress, antioxidant activity.


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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2019_02(30)

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ORCID: 0000-0003-4429-2474
  Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor at the Department of Commodity
and Customs Affairs, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
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ORCID: 0000-0001-7591-7866
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, 
Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
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ORCID: 0000-0002-5229-8000
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. Assortment of water-dispersion paints (WDP) and coatings which is presented at the market and constantly updated determines the need for their classification. Production of WDP in Ukraine requires the development of approaches to formation of itsassortmentfor industrial enterprise in order to maximally meet the Ukrainian consumers’ need that determines the relevance of this article.
The aim of the article is to develop an improved classification and approaches to formation of WDP assortmentfor industrial enterprise.
Materials and methods. The research object is the developed assortment of WDP for industrial enterpriseand the operational properties of applied coatings.
The researchers are carried out with application of general scientific and special methods of economic processes knowledge: analysis and synthesis, system approach, comparison and generalization.
Results. The provisions of the national standards DSTU EN 13300:2012 and DSTU EN 1062-1:2012 which are identical to European ones were the basis of improved WDP classification developed by us. The general classification of WDP is supplemented by such features and classification clusters as degree of filling, functional purpose, application, material of the surface to be painted, method of application.
Formation of the WDP assortment is carried out in order to maximally meet the consumers’ requirements. As the main approaches to the formation of the WDP assortment itwas proposed such ones that include consideration of compliance with the classification criteria: functional purpose (decoration, protection); application (for internal or external use); material of surface, for painting of which the WDP is assigned; operational load (high, medium and low); level of the coating operational properties (functional, aesthetic, protective, reliability etc.).
The following characteristics of the coating have been identified as the main criteria for assigning to a certain class of theoperational load degree: adhesion to the surface material, the tensile strength of the coating film, resistance to wet abrasion and others. Recommendations for the application of coatings with different operating loads, the consideration of which will allow consumers to correctly select WDP to meet their needs in obtaining coatings with the necessary properties have been developed.
Conclusion. Based on the results of the research and taking into account the developed approaches we have created an assortment which includes seven types of basic white WDP of different designated purpose and degree of operational load, which are recommended for industrial production at Ukrainian enterprises and application by consumers. Anecessary colour can be obtained by adding of pigment concentrates to the base WDP due to which the assortment of WDP and coatings can be expanded. The created WDP composition and the operational properties of the coatings will be highlighted in the following publications.
Keywords: paint and coating materials (PCM), water-dispersion paints (WDP), classification, assortment, quality, performance properties and coatings.


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