Written by sveta on . Posted in 2020_02(34)


UDC 663.952(477)   DOI:
Olexandra BABIY
ORCID: 0000-0001-8105-9925
  Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Tetiana BOZHKO
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2261-4527
  Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. Herbal teas are one of the traditional means for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases in Ukraine. They contain a complex of biologically active substances and characterized by a wide range of pharmacological action. However, there are virtually no data on the safety of herbal teas and its organoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators.
Herbal teas are especially popular during the seasonal growth of influenza and SARS. This year, humanity has encountered a new strain of coronavirus infection COVID-19. Despite the lack of a cure for this disease, at the time of writing of this article, consumers have begun to use a variety of foods to prevent disease and strengthen the immune system. Herbal teas have also grown in popularity. In this regard, the issue of quality and safety of herbal teas on the Ukrainian market becomes especially relevant.
The aim of the work is to study the safety and quality of herbal teas of Ukrainian production.
Materials and methods. The subject of research 
– samples of herbal teas produ­ced by “Phytosvit Ltd.”: Chamomile Flowers, Peppermint Leaves, Melissa Herb, Echinacea Herb, Calendula Flowers.
The quality of packaging, labeling, organoleptic parameters and the presence of poisonous plants and pest infestation of grain stocks were determined. Physicoche­mical parameters such as mass fraction of moisture, extractives and total ash were studied. Determination of the content of toxic elements, residual amounts of pesticides, radionuclides and microbiological safety were carried out in accordance with current ND.
Results. It was established that the mass fraction of moisture of all tested samples is less than 14 %. That meets the requirements for herbal teas, prevents the development of microflora and promotes long-term storage of the product. The mass fraction of total ash of all samples did not exceed 14 %. That also is normal. The content of organic and mineral impurities in the samples was minimal, and no poisonous plants and pests were detected. The content of toxic elements, pesticides, radionuclides and microbiological indicators of herbal teas met the current requirements.     
Conclusion. One of the most popular ways to use herbs is to consume herbal teas. Studies of safety and quality of selected monophyte teas produced by Phytosvit Ltd. confirmed the compliance of the obtained data with the requirements of current regu­lations, which is especially important in the context of a coronavirus pandemic.
Keywords: herbal teas, safety, quality.

1.   Fed’ko, L. (2016). Fitochaj u profilaktyci ta likuvanni zahvorjuvan’ obminu rechovyn [Herbal tea in the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases]. Visnyk L’vivs’kogouniversytetu. Serija: Biologichna – Bulletin of Lviv University. Series: Biological. (Issue 73), (pp. 445-445) [in Ukrainian].
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3.   Tournas, V. H., & Katsoudas, E. J. (2008). Microbiological Quality of Various Medi­ci­nal Herbal Teas and Coffee Substitutes. Microbiology Insights. (Vol. 1), (pp. 47-55) [in English].
4.    Srivastava, J. K., Shankar, E., &  Gupta, S. (2010). Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular Medicine Reports. (Vol. 3), 6, 895-901 [in English].
5.   DiLorenzo, C., Dell’Agli, M., Badea, M., Sangiovanni, E., Dima, L., Bosisio, E. et al. (2013). Plan food supplements with anti-inflammatory properties: asystematicre view (II). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. (Vol. 53), 5507-516 [in English].
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18.   Pro zatverdzhennja Derzhavnyh gigijenichnyh normatyviv "Dopustymi rivni vmistu radionuklidiv 137 Cs ta 90 Sr u produktah harchuvannja ta pytnij vodi": Nakaz MOZ № 256 vid 03.05.2006 [On approval of the State hygienic standards "Permissible levels of 137 Cs and 90 Sr radionuclides ifood and drinking water": the Order of the Ministry of Health № 256 of 03.05.2006]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2020_02(34)


UDC 663.94   DOI:
Kateryna RUBANKA
ORCID: 0000-0002-9884-4214
  Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer
at the Department of Canning Technology
National University of Food Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0003-2319-3768
  Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
at the Department of Bakery and Confectionery Technology,
National University of Food Technologies
68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine


Background. In order to solve the problem of obesity in the country, it is advisable to introduce into production food products not only with a reduced index of energy value, but also glycemic index.
The aim of the study was to study the effect of maltitol and isomaltitol on the qua­lity of the finished beverage and its glycemic index and energy value.
Materials and methods. The object of the study is coffee drinks with sugar (control), maltitol and isomaltitol. The determination of organoleptic, physicochemical quality indi­cators, structural and mechanical properties of the finished drink was carried out by gene­rally accepted methods, glycemic index and energy value 
 by calculation.
Results. The developed beverages have been determined to have better structural and mechanical properties, as the values of surface tension are lower and the kinematic viscosity is higher compared to beverages made with sugar. The article presents a com­parative assessment of the index of energy value and glycemic index of developed drinks and made according to the classical recipe. It was found that beverages with the addition of maltitol and isomaltitol have 2 times lower energy value and 2.0–2.5 times –less gly­cemic index, respectively, than a drink with the addition of sugar.
Conclusion. The use of isomaltitol and maltitol polyols in coffee beverage techno­logy is promising because they do not impair the quality of the dry mix and finished beverages, and their organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties are improved by reducing surface tension and increasing kinematic viscosity. Reducing the energy value and glycemic index of coffee drinks makes it possible to confirm that the proposed coffee drinks are dietary and can be recommended for people who are monitoring their weight.
Keywordscoffee drink, isomaltitol, maltitol, glycemic index.


1.   Chooi, Yu Chung, Ding, Cherlyn, & Magkos, Faidon. (2019). The epidemiology of obesity. Metabolism. (Vol. 92), (pp. 6-10) [in English].
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Dairy Newsletter, 4 (8), 34-37 [in Russian]. 


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UDC 637.181=111   DOI:
E-mail: y.motuzka@
ORCID: 0000-0003-0400-6445
  Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Department of commodity science, safety and quality management
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-0322-9375
  Postgraduate student
Department of commodity science, safety and quality management
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


The impact of heat treatment on the chemical composition of fenugreek seeds is analyzed. Tests of its amino acid composition and the content of mono- and disac­charides show that the Maillard reaction does not result in essential changes in the taste and aromatic properties of the raw material. It is found that heat treatment changes the fatty acid composition of the seeds, with reducing the quantity oflinoleicacid which enzymatic oxidation forms the compound 1-octen-3-olthat may cause the mushroom-specific smell of the seeds.
Keywords: plant-based milk analogues, fatty acid composition, drink, quality, amino acid composition taste, smell, consumer, Maillard reaction.


1.  Fedorova, R. A., & Ponomarenko, V. M. (2014). Izucheniye vliyaniya belok­soderzhashchey dobavki na kachestvo pshenichnogo khleba iz muki s poni­zhen­nymi khlebopekarnymi svoystvami [Testing the impact of a protein contai­ning additive on the quality of wheat bread made of the flour with the reduced baking properties]. Izvestiya Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo univer­siteta – News of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, 37, 40-43. Retrieved from [in Russian].
2.  Tangyu, M., Muller, J., Bolten, C. J., & Wittmann, C. (2019). Fermentation of plant-based milk alternatives for improved flavour and nutritional value. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103, 9263-9275 [in English].
3.  Grimble, R. (2005). Fatty acid profile of modern lipid emulsions: scientific con­siderations for creating the ideal composition. Clin. Nutr. Suppl., 1, 9-15 [in English].
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13.   Tangyu, M., Muller, J., & Bolten, C. (2019). Fermentation of plant-based milk alternatives for improved flavour and nutritional value. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology103, 9263-9275. doi: 10.1007/s00253-019-10175-9 [in English].
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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2020_02(34)


UDC 675.046.8   DOI:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3241-2726
  Postgraduate student
at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1943-8048
  Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor at the Department of Commodity
and Customs Affairs,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. It is proposed to use coloured modified dispersions of montmo­rillonite to ensure high physical and mechanical properties of polymer films and to give intense colour to the leather finish coating. The introduction of modified mineral dis­persions into the polymer matrix allows the polymer to be structured and provides impro­ved physical and mechanical properties of the leather coating.
The aim of article is to study the influence of coloured modified dispersions of montmorillonite on the physical and mechanical properties of polymer films in order to form polymer-mineral coating with a high level of resistance before usage.
Materials and methods. Acrylic polymer and coloured modified montmorillonite dispersions were used for the study. The physical and mechanical properties of the obtained polymer-mineral films were evaluated by the indices of the conditional modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, relative elongation at break points, swelling and content of water-bearing substances.
Results. The introduction of coloured modified dispersions of montmorillonite to the polymer corrects the quality of the leather finish coating. The study of the effect of coloured modified dispersions of montmorillonite on the physical and mechanical properties of polymer acrylic matrices indicates the structural and elastic changes of the polymer film indices at different loads and elongations. The effect of structuring of poly­mer films and changes in physical and mechanical properties are amplified at higher temperatures of the coating formation.
Conclusion.  It was found that the introduction of coloured modified dispersions of montmorillonite into the acrylic film-forming agent contributes to the enhancement of the physical and mechanical properties of polymer films. The maximum level of film strength is achieved when 1.5
2.0 % of montmorillonite is lost from weight of polymer. It is shown that the structuring of the polymer is enhanced by the formation of the polymer-mineral coating at a temperature of 60 °C. The formation of physical and mechanical properties of polymer-mineral films for leather coating is caused by chemical interactions between the active centres of the mineral and the functional groups of azo dyes and polymer.
Keywordspolymer, montmorillonite, modification, coating, finish, leather, physical and mechanical properties, indices.


1.   Izovit, T., & Naumenko, I. (2015). Tendencii’ rozvytku ukrai’ns’kogo rynku vyro­b­nyctva shkiry [Trends in the development of the Ukrainian leather production market]. Legka promyslovist’ – Light industry, 4, 2-4 [in Ukrainian].
2.   Winter, C., Borges, Agustini C., Elizabeth, M., Schultz, R., & Gutterres, M. (2017). Influ­ence of pigment addition on the properties of Polymer films for leather finishing. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists. (Vol. 101), 2, 78-85 [in English].
3.   Kas’jan, E. Je. (2019). Fizyko-himija polimernyh plivkoutvorjuvachiv dlja ozdob­lennja shkiry [Physico-chemistry of polymer film formers for leather finishing]. Kyi’v: Osvita Ukrai’ny [in Ukrainian].
4.   Kondratjuk, O. V., & Kas’jan, E. Je. (2017). Vlastyvosti modyfikovanyh polimernyh kompozycij dlja ozdoblennja shkir [Properties of modified polymer compositions for leather finishing]. Visnyk Hmel’nyc’kogo nacional’nogo universytetu – Bulletin of Khme­lnytsky National University, 5 (253), 62-66 [in Ukrainian].
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6.   Kondratjuk, O. V., & Kas’jan, E. Je. (2017). Rozrobka skladiv pokryvnyh kompo­zycijdlja ozdoblennja natural’nyh shkir [Development of structure of covering compo­si­tions for finishing of genuine leathers]. Visnyk Hmel’nyc’kogo nacional’nogo universytetu – Bulletin of Khmelnytsky National University, 6, 255-262 [in Ukrainian].
7.   Yılmaz, Onur, Cheaburu, Catalina N., Gülümser, Gürbüz, & Vasile, Cornelia. (2011). Rheological behaviour of acrylate/montmorillonite nanocomposite latexes and their application in leather finishing as binders. Progress in Organic Coatings. (Vol. 70). (Issue 1), (pp. 52-58) [in English].
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Written by sveta on . Posted in 2020_02(34)


UDC 665.6   DOI:
E-mail: n.merezhko@knutе
ORCID: 0000-0003-3077-9636
  Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor,
Head of the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Valentyna TKАCHUK
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5793-5227
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department
of Commodity Science and Expertise in Customs Affairs
at Lutsk National Technical University,
75, Lvivska str., Lutsk, Volyn region, Ukraine, 43000
Volodymyr KОMAKHA
Е-maіl: v.kоmakha@knutе
ОRCІD: 0000-0001-6498-9047
  PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Lecture
at the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. The influence of the composition (gasoline of catalytic reforming, hydrotreated catalytic cracking, raffinate of benzene production, petroleum solvent, straight-run gasoline, bioisobutyl alcohol, methyl tert-butyl ether) on the performance properties of gasoline was studied. Mathematical models of the "composition – properties" type have been developed, which made it possible to optimize the ratio of the components of the composition of high-othane gasoline and bioadditives.
The aim of the article is to optimize the composition to obtain high-octane gasoline for spark ignition engines using bioadditives.
Materials and methods. Mathematical descriptions of the dependence of gasoline properties on the content of components and their ratios were obtained by the method of regression analysis of experimental data using the central composite rotatable plan. Mathe­matical processing of the experimental results was performed using STAT-SENS software.
Results. The adequacy of the obtained mathematical models was checked accor­ding to Fisher’s test. Since the calculated values of the Fisher test are smaller than their tabular values (at a significance level of 0.05), the obtained models adequately describe the studied process.
The obtained models were used to find the optimal composition of high-octane gasoline. When determining the optimal content of components, it was taken into account that the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in the gasoline composition should not exceed 35 vol.%, Sulfur content – not more than 10 mg / kg, benzene content – not more than 1.0 vol.%, And octane number – in the ranges corresponding to the brand of gasoline: A-92 (92–93), A-95 (95–96), A-98 (98–99). By the method of multicriteria optimization of the data array according to the obtained mathematical models, the values ​​of factors corresponding to the optimal compositions of high-octane gasoline with bioadditives were obtained in coded units and natural values.
Conclusion. The optimal compositions of high-octane gasolines of different brands with the use of bioadditives were obtained. The consumption of bioisobutyl alcohol and methyl tert-butyl ether in a mixture of high-octane gasoline with bioadditives is calculated. The optimal compromise area for obtaining gasolines with specified parameters with the possibility of regulating the content of bioadditives in the studied compositions is established.
Keywords: gasoline, bioadditives, mathematical modeling, octane number, bio­isobutyl alcohol, methyl tert-butyl ether, optimal composition.


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