UDC 667.6
KOMAKHA Volodymyr,
Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. One of directions of paint industry development is improving of paint products’ environmental friendliness. That’s why the share of water-dispersion paints production that do not contain toxic solvents is increased. The question of reducing the cost of water-dispersion paints is solved by use of mineral fillers. Manufacturers of water-dispersion paints traditionally as fillers prefer carbonates. However, carbonate fillers have high surface energy, which complicates the process of fillers’ dispersion in the polymer matrix. This problem can be solved by modifying of carbonates.
The aim of the article is to establish the possibility of regulating the interaction between filler and binder by modification of carbonates’ surface.
Materials and methods. As the objects of study was chosen following materials: chalks from Ukrainian deposits, water dispersion of acrylic polymer and modifiers for mechanochemical activation of fillers’ surface (aqueous solution of potassium metylsylikonat and sodium acrylate).
The impact of modifying on the properties of fillers was determined by the change of effective surface and filtration coefficient in water and benzene, conditional dielectric loss tangent. The level of interaction in systems modified chalk – water dispersion of acrylic polymer studied by liquid chromatography and IR-spectroscopy.
Results. Adsorption of polymer depends on energy and filtration properties of fillers.
Adsorption of polymer by modified chalks is increased compared to the source material, while the adsorption of water, however, is reduced.
Based on IR-spectroscopic analysis of interaction processes in systems based on chalk, modifiers and acrylic binder we can argue about the increasing level of interaction of components by the formation of new chemical bonds between them.
By changing the surface properties of chalk we can regulate their adsorption activity towards binder and, as a result, the properties of the finished water-dispersion paints based on them.
Conclusion. The level of interaction between components in systems of modified carbonate filler and acrylic binder is increased, besides adsorption of acrylic polimer by modified carbonates is bigger then adsorption of untreated chalks.
Keywords: carbonate filler, acrylic polymer, interphases interaction, adsorption, surfactants.
KOMAKHA Volodymyr,
Postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. One of directions of paint industry development is improving of paint products’ environmental friendliness. That’s why the share of water-dispersion paints production that do not contain toxic solvents is increased. The question of reducing the cost of water-dispersion paints is solved by use of mineral fillers. Manufacturers of water-dispersion paints traditionally as fillers prefer carbonates. However, carbonate fillers have high surface energy, which complicates the process of fillers’ dispersion in the polymer matrix. This problem can be solved by modifying of carbonates.
The aim of the article is to establish the possibility of regulating the interaction between filler and binder by modification of carbonates’ surface.
Materials and methods. As the objects of study was chosen following materials: chalks from Ukrainian deposits, water dispersion of acrylic polymer and modifiers for mechanochemical activation of fillers’ surface (aqueous solution of potassium metylsylikonat and sodium acrylate).
The impact of modifying on the properties of fillers was determined by the change of effective surface and filtration coefficient in water and benzene, conditional dielectric loss tangent. The level of interaction in systems modified chalk – water dispersion of acrylic polymer studied by liquid chromatography and IR-spectroscopy.
Results. Adsorption of polymer depends on energy and filtration properties of fillers.
Adsorption of polymer by modified chalks is increased compared to the source material, while the adsorption of water, however, is reduced.
Based on IR-spectroscopic analysis of interaction processes in systems based on chalk, modifiers and acrylic binder we can argue about the increasing level of interaction of components by the formation of new chemical bonds between them.
By changing the surface properties of chalk we can regulate their adsorption activity towards binder and, as a result, the properties of the finished water-dispersion paints based on them.
Conclusion. The level of interaction between components in systems of modified carbonate filler and acrylic binder is increased, besides adsorption of acrylic polimer by modified carbonates is bigger then adsorption of untreated chalks.
Keywords: carbonate filler, acrylic polymer, interphases interaction, adsorption, surfactants.